"Beats Flex-fragment design special edition" is now on sale on Apple's official website
Aerial robots, drones-drones began to attract attention as a new industry in the first half of the 2010s. French Parrot iPhone can operate the "AR drone" has become a topic, the domestic has also set up a variety of venture capital and other UAV market is full of vitality. However, the later UAV market can be said to be a strong DJI in China, and the domestic UAV industry has also given up hardware development and began to turn to UAV shooting / measurement services and other trends.
The return number of "MONOist New year's Outlook" is here.
In September 2020, major changes have taken place around the domestic UAV industry. The Japanese government announced the "policy on the procurement of drones such as government agencies". With regard to government-procured drones, the Japanese government decided to choose airplanes with no safety concerns. According to this, the Chinese-made drones, led by DJI, deviate from the objects of government procurement, not only to a certain degree of public use, but also from the selected objects of drones. In other words, there is an urgent need for a safe drone to replace Chinese-made drones, which occupy almost all the domestic markets.
The domestic UAV business market in 2020 (Inpress Comprehensive Research Institute survey), the body is 60.7 billion yen, service is 82.8 billion yen, peripheral service is 40.5 billion yen, a total of 184.1 billion yen. In 2025, the body is 131 billion yen, the service is 436.1 billion yen, and the peripheral service is 79.7 billion yen, totaling 646.8 billion yen, which is 3.5 times that of 2020. Although the fastest growing market is the service, great changes have taken place in the market of the body, which has a lot to do with the content of the service.
そこで、政府調達を中心とする新たな需要に対応すべく一気に注目を集めることになったのが、経済安全保障の観点からも安全安心な調達が可能になる、日本国内で設計製造する「国産ドローン」である。まず、2020年9月発表の政府方針に先立って、2020年度からNEDO(新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構)のプロジェクトで開発が進められていた“安全安心なドローン”がその代表になるだろう。ドローンベンチャーの自律制御システム研究所(ACSL)と、ヤマハ発動機、NTTドコモ、ザクティ、先端力学シミュレーション研究所(ASTOM R&D)の5社が参加しており、2021年12月には小型空撮ドローン「SOTEN(蒼天)」として発表された。
ACSLの「SOTEN」[クリックで拡大] 出所:ACSLWhile following the international standard ISO15408 of security products, SOTEN can encrypt the photographic data and flight path data obtained by UAV, and the data collected through communication can also be protected by integration in the domestic cloud. In addition, the main part of the aircraft uses domestic products or highly reliable overseas procurement products. It is precisely that the products that are fully responded to by the above-mentioned government procurement policy have been completed.
「SOTEN」の充実したセキュリティ機能[クリックで拡大] 出所:ACSLソニーとNTTイードローンが参入、VFRの取り組みも活発に1|2|3次のページへCopyright ©ITmedia,Inc.All Rights Reserved.