"Beats Flex-fragment design special edition" is now on sale on Apple's official website
Cycles render is a physics -based Late Racer bundled in Blender.Really using GPUs, images that make use of the behavior of light can be created, and since it appeared in April 2011, it has been popular with Blender users.
However, in the last decade, the code has become more complicated and it has become difficult to add and maintain new features, and the rendering speed has been significantly different from modified user -made Cycles.
Therefore, the CYCLES render renewal project "CYCLES-X" was launched, and this time 3.It was released with 0.
In this renewal version of the CYCLES, the following three have changed significantly, especially with the modernization of new hardware and APIs and modernization of algorithms.
Let's see what has actually changed.
GPU rendering has been highly faster, and by responding to recent technologies such as "Optix" and "GPU Light Racing", the corresponding NVIDIA GPU has become much faster.
In the figure below, the rendering time is compared with the setting that can obtain the same image quality (environment: Windows 10 Pro X64 2004, Intel Core i7-2600, 16GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB, CUDA).It uses relatively heavy functions such as "indirect lighting" and "transparency / refraction".
「2.93」と"3.0」でのレンダリング時間の比較"3.Although the image of "0" is slightly dark, "2."58" in "93".03秒」かかっていたのが"3.In "0", "18."4 seconds", the rendering time is about 1/3.In some CYCLES-X blog posts, there are some things that are 1/6.
速度が向上した代わりに"3.In 0, memory consumption has increased considerably.Looking at the task page of the official development site, it seems that the optimization is still lacking.
It is also possible to divide the image into multiple "tiles" and render, but at this time, for the above reasons, the consumption does not decrease much.However, it seems that it is effective to reduce the consumption a little when rendering fails due to lack of the last minute memory.
The quality of the image changes depending on the number of rays (ray) that comes into the camera (inside the screen), called the number of samples, is called [Sample number].Immediately after the start, the number of samples is small and the noise is full of noise, but as time goes on, the number of samples increases the noise and the image becomes beautiful.
But the time is finite, so you have to compromise somewhere.Previously, humans specified the number of samples that could secure the final quality.
And "2."Denizer", which reduces the noise on the screen in "79", appears, and then reduces the rendering time by reducing the number of samples to the level where the noise is reduced to some extent, and treating the rest with "deniser" to clean it.I did it.
新しくなった[サンプリング]パネルと[ノイズのしきい値]パラメーターそして"3.In "0", a parameter called [Noise Squid value] is now specified instead of the number of samples.In other words, if you specify that it is OK if the noise is about this, it will be rounded up appropriately.
For example, in the case of rendering in a simple scene that has only the default cube, it is better to raise [noise excitement] (maximum "1).0 ") It ends early.
The default [sample number] at the time of writing is "1,024" for views, "4,096" for render, and if [noise values] is the maximum, [number of samples] is further.You can also reduce the speed by reducing it (although the quality drops).
OpenCL is one of the APIs for controling GPU, "2.Earlier, GPU rendering through OpenCl was possible with video cards other than NVIDIA, such as AMD.However, the maintenance of OpenCL standard stalls (the processing of processing stopped) and the bugs of the driver have become difficult, and instead of discontinuing the OpenCL support itself, joint work with AMD, Intel, and Apple, these GPUs are on these GPUs.Development is underway to render.
そのおかげで"3.In "0, you can render the AMD GPU by HIP (Heterogeneous-Computing Interface for Portability. One of the APIs that control the same GPU).At the moment, however, you need a Windows environment, a graphic card of AMD RDNA/RDNA2 generation, and the latest driver.See the release notebook for details.It takes a little more time before GPU rendering is possible with Intel and Apple chips.