Director Tetsuro Araki x Wit Studio, the original animation movie "Bubble" (released on May 13, the Netflix version is broadcast on April 28) (C) 2022 "Bubble" Production Committee Tetsuro Araki × WIT STUDIO, animeNew work by tag of "giant" ...
Industrial innovation in the case area is starting to be enthusiastic in the EV (electric vehicle) field.The Taiwan -FoxConn group, which launched the open platform "MIH" for EV development, greatly increased the industry map ...
Ask the new adult, what is the future of Japan?Macromill conducted a "2022 new adult survey" for 500 men and women at the coming -of -age ceremony.38.2 % of the respondents answered that "I think the future of Japan is bright" (2.6 % of I think it is bright + either ...
Just before the announcement of the article 1SE3 well read!The iPhone12 sale is held -MNP 9,800 yen 2IPHONE SE 3 and iPad Air 5 sales are started with carrier -Leage report 3IPHONE SE (3rd generation) storage and body color, Minchy Kuo ...
Get a piece of limited confirmed gacha and α confirmed gacha!Until 3:59 on November 16, "Monst" will be held for a limited time event "O Youth Roulette".This event uses a piece that has achieved various missions and collected, and your favorite news ...
Category: Product Service Release Company: Canon MJ Canon Marketing Japan Co., Ltd. (President and CEO: Masakichi Adachi, hereinafter Canon MJ) is the introduction and luck after the introduction of Zero Touch and introduced the UTM (integrated threat control) product "Fortigate" ...
Recently, "unidentified flying objects" (UFOs) have increased in China, and the People's Liberation Army has introduced artificial intelligence (AI) to track and analyze it.However, Chinese scientists say, "It is more likely that humans are more likely than aliens."
Charging and earphones are still wired!Both wireless charging and wireless earphones have become widespread, but many people like wired connections with outstanding stability?But there is a little stress of entanglement and disconnection.It's not involved ...
Juba finally stated his thoughts, who was shocked by human aggression and hatred.(C) Getty Images Ace of Russia refused to criticize.Russia is silent as criticism from all over the world for the invasion of Ukraine in Russia ...
A workshop where there was a demonstration of an agricultural unmanned car that automatically sprays pesticides = 22nd, Setouchi Town Agi Setouchi -cho and the same town's comprehensive support council on the same town on the 22nd of the Name of Agi, the town of Agi, the same town.Opened.28 people, including farmers and town officials in the town ...
"If nobody does it, do it yourself." Not only the hearing loss for the development and commercialization of the obsession with the obsession, but also the deaf people, "I felt the sound!"Maybe this is the word!?VIBONE NEZU (Baibone Nez ...
Copyright (C) JAPAN NEWS Network. All Rights Reserved.African continent, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eastern Bukabu.For more than 20 years, more than 400,000 women are here ...
In Hase City, Ina City, a drone heading to the ground in the Ichinose area by taking off the delivery base, Ina City is a shopping support service "Yuii Market", a shopping support service that uses a small unmanaged machine drone to deliver groceries to the middle mountain area., Lightweight ...
The A -team announced that a collaboration with "Sakura Taisen" will be held on September 16, 2021 in the smartphone application "Shoujo Revue Starlight -RE LIVE-".Below, quoted press release Review & Advenent ...
President Iraqi Baghdad (CNN) Trump on the 3rd of the murder of Solemani of the Iranian Revolution Defense Corps "Cods Corps", "We have taken action to stop the war last night. Action to start the war.Not ... "
Donec sollici tudin mole stie male sua da. Vest ibulum ante.........
Mr Jake
Donec sollici tudin mole stie male sua da. Vest ibulum ante.........