"Deliver Tintan Men with a drone".Such a day may come in the near future.A demonstration experiment using a drone was conducted in Katsuura City, Chiba Prefecture.What is that aim?Tantanmen flies in the sky!!The demonstration experiment is 1 meter in total length ...
News Tanjiro / Nezuko model developed Hori will release "Kimetsu no Yaiba Hori Gaming Headset Standard Tanjiro / Nezuko" and "Kimetsu no Yaiba Hori Gaming Headset In Year Tanjiro / Nezuko" in October. Launch...
Image Source: Adobe Stock When driving by car on snowy roads and muddy roads, the scary thing is a slip accident.Because the car is a heavy structure, it is difficult to control once it starts to slide, and even if it has an excellent brake system, it slips from the tires ...
Tweet Air Mobility Co., Ltd. is developing a navigation system "AirNavi" of Japan's first "flying car".In September 2021, the navigation system of "Flying Car", which is the stage before implementing this navigation in a flying car, ...
Onkyo will book a 10th anniversary collaboration model between the complete wireless earphone "CP-TWS01A" and the TV anime "Magical Girl Madoka Magica".This model "CP-TWS01A" has the latest SOC "QCC3040" manufactured by Qualcom ...
A joint venture of Rakuten Group Co., Ltd. (Setagaya -ku, Tokyo) and Japan Post Co., Ltd. (Chiyoda -ku, Tokyo), JP Rakuten Logistics Co., Ltd.It will be a hot topic in between ...
As a year -end shopping plan, photographers and writers gave only one camera -related product purchased in 2020.(Editorial Department) From spring to summer 2019, a digital camera with a built -in color printer ...
This time, we will review the "AND S" cover "AND S" that can be used general -purpose for various tablets such as iPad and iPad mini.Here, 39THANKS of Japan who released a smartphone -integrated wallet "and W" reviewed in ↓ ...
Amazon (Amazon) is holding the Amazon Time Sale Festival from 9:00 on August 17, 2021 to 23:59 on August 19, August 19.In a time sale where popular items are sold every day or time, is it currently a popular Anker product ...
CEO Tsune Taniguchi (right), which introduces the aerosense logo, and CTO Kotaro Sabe (left) Sony Mobile Communications Co., Ltd., and ZMP Co., Ltd., a robot venture, established Aero Sense Co., Ltd.For industrial applications ...
"Tokyo Game Show 2015" is being held at Makuhari Messe, Chiba Prefecture, which was announced.Today on the last day (September 20), on the special stage of Saigame Subouz, "Granblue Fantasy" (hereinafter "Grabble") ...
"A big revolution is about to occur."President Masayuki Isono, President (Higashi -ku, Nagoya City), cannot hide his excitement.The "Plastic Resource Recycling Promotion Promotion" enforced in April 2022 is the epicenter of the revolution.Plastic plastic ...
This is a Ginzanhei, Uonuma City, Niigata Prefecture, which is surrounded by 2,000m -class mountains and is buried in 5 and 6m snow in winter.In this place, KDDI, KDDI Research Institute, Uonuma City, Niigata Prefecture, and Fujitsu are the first in Japan's "helicopter base station" ...
Author: Hosei University Faculty of Design, Department of Urban Environmental Design Engineering, Professor Toshiaki Mizobuchi Dam, has saved water that nurtures all lives on the earth, supports the modernization of mankind, and has contributed to high economic growth and social development.Furthermore, in the future ...
A variety of information collection equipment in the world, such as "eavesdropping instruments" that secretly stolen indoor conversations, "voyeur cameras" that captures videos with familiar items, and "GPS transmitter" that can record the transportation route of cars.It is overflowing.Such eavesdropping org ...
Donec sollici tudin mole stie male sua da. Vest ibulum ante.........
Mr Jake
Donec sollici tudin mole stie male sua da. Vest ibulum ante.........