This is a Ginzanhei, Uonuma City, Niigata Prefecture, which is surrounded by 2,000m -class mountains and is buried in 5 and 6m snow in winter.In this place, KDDI, KDDI Research Institute, Uonuma City, Niigata Prefecture, and Fujitsu are the first in Japan's "helicopter base station" ...
Author: Hosei University Faculty of Design, Department of Urban Environmental Design Engineering, Professor Toshiaki Mizobuchi Dam, has saved water that nurtures all lives on the earth, supports the modernization of mankind, and has contributed to high economic growth and social development.Furthermore, in the future ...
A variety of information collection equipment in the world, such as "eavesdropping instruments" that secretly stolen indoor conversations, "voyeur cameras" that captures videos with familiar items, and "GPS transmitter" that can record the transportation route of cars.It is overflowing.Such eavesdropping org ...
Category: Product Service Release Company: SB C & AMP; S Corporation-"GLIDIC TW-3000" is equipped with waterproof performance and low-delay mode even with simple functions-SB C & Amp; S Co., Ltd.Mobai listed in the brand slogan ...
Q: How can I format my SD card with a smartphone?A: You can select the SD card from "Settings" → "Storage" and format them from "Storage Settings" of the 3 buttons on the upper right.Usually SD cards are for smartphones ...
Delivery 1 comment 1 personality Principal of Personality and TOKYO FM "SCHOOL OF LOCK!"Principal of personality and Principal Pae work hard to study for the exam ...
Delivery 0 Comments 0 "What is happening in the future of" food "? Awesome world of" food tech "(youth new book Intelligency 635)" Shinichi Ishikawa Seishun Publisher "Food" has been attracting much attention.Tech"."Food" and "Ta ...
In recent years, initiatives that are conscious of "sustainable" are becoming more active worldwide.Sustainable means "sustainable" and refers to maintaining resources for a long time and using it so as not to apply environmental load.Many people already in Japan ...
The reminiscent retro computer microcomputers that I loved are black, the keyboard is white and gray two -tone color, and the tight design is combined, giving a very chic impression ...
Japan has long reigned as a mecca in the game industry.But one contradiction in this country (like many others) is that streaming distribution platforms like e -sports and Twitch are difficult to take root.Current ...
The new "CYCLES" render CYCLES render is a physical -based late racer bundled in Blender.The real life using the GPU can create images that make use of the behavior of light, and since it appeared in April 2011, BLENDER users ...
Digital Hollywood Co., Ltd. and Digital Content Human Resources Training Schools, universities, and graduate schools (Headquarters: Chiyoda -ku, Tokyo, President and CEO Takeshi Yoshimura, President Tomoyuki Sugiyama) is 2015 .. 2015..
Wireless, lossless/high -resolution playback of PC streaming music with analog speakers.Loseless/high -resolution music switching is easy with one VOCE button.Connection example: PCVOCE — BLUETOTH 5.2 - VOCE Analog Speaker Bullet ...
At the ASCII Club in ASCII, various series and special features that can only be read by members are updated daily.Today, ASCII Club's popular article "" Surface Laptop Studio "Actual machine review = new design is the best model ...
Convenient for clip recording of action games!iOS15 has been officially released, and some official apps have changed specifications and various new features.Various functions such as translation function, quick memo, home screen renovation have been added, but ...
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Mr Jake
Donec sollici tudin mole stie male sua da. Vest ibulum ante.........