<The blind spot of living learning> What are the other families doing while studying my child?Do I have to turn off the TV?| Mamaster Select

<The blind spot of living learning> What are the other families doing while studying my child?Do I have to turn off the TV?| Mamaster Select

Sometimes you hear the story, "The more you can study, the more you study living."I don't know the truth, but some children seem to be able to concentrate on studying if they can hear some livelihood sounds.

Now, what do other families do when my child is studying in the living room?

Isn't it necessary to match the child because you're in the living room yourself?

It is a post found in the Mamasta community.

He seems to have his own room, but he is scared and cannot study alone.While the cheeky attitude to complain to moms, there are some cute places.The contributor thinks, "Even if a child is studying, the family can spend as usual."

Many moms who commented in the living room were studying in the living room.Like the contributors, some families spend the same time as usual.

The living room is a place where the whole family can relax.It seems selfish to come there and say "quietly".Nevertheless, children who come to the living room may not be able to let go of the sense of security that they have a family.

Study for reading, housework.There are a lot of things you can do other than TV

Just because I was studying living rooms, there were not many families whose family was smaller.However, it seems that there are many places to "turn off the TV".

Even if you don't care about the miscellaneous lives, TVs and videos may be a concern.For example, whatever you hear, such as drama lines and variety program talks, are you distracted?Isn't it suitable for complex problems that use thinking skills, even if you are fine with kanji practice or simple calculation problems?

Even if you can't watch TV, there are many things you can do in the living room.

The most common is reading.There were many other "cooking", "cleaning" and "teaching study".Mom who wants to watch videos seems to use earphones.

The living room is the place for everyone.Equipment that both sides can calm down

However, the noticeable in the comments was that "it is up to the child whether it can be concentrated even if it has a TV."

Danna who gave me this comment is probably a type who doesn't care about the noise at all.But the child below is different.You can clearly see that the same siblings and families have different types.Some of the moms of the moms who commented on the children who were "studying for the test while playing YouTube", and some children would even care about the sound of washing.There seems to be a response that matches each type.

The contributor may be a type that is worried about the sound of the TV when complaining that it is "sly!"

There are many things that can be read and housework, but if you make a complaint even if your family is lazy, what about making a partition with curtains and partitions?If you can feel the sign of a person, your son will not be scared, and the contributor can do it.Depending on the structure of the room, why not just put a blindfold bath towel on the strut?It would be nice to have a living room where both sides can study and relax without stress!

Sentence, Asako Suzuki edited, Illustration Chichinaga Illustration, Nakayamaneko

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