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Encajet Japanese version of the Galaxy's first high -speed radio burst, the source is a magnetter.Remember Hara requires further observation

Engadget Logo Encajet Japanese version of the Galaxy's first high -speed radio burst, the source is a magnetter.Remember Hara requires further observation

It was in late April that the first high -speed radio burst (Fed) was observed inside our galaxy (the Milky Way Galaxy), but there have been several research papers on the source of the source.It was announced.

A high -speed radio burst (FRB) is a phenomenon that emits a very short radio wave, from a few minutes to several milliseconds.Until now, it was only observed in a very distant galaxy other than the Milky Way Galaxy, and the cause of its occurrence was not known at all.

Related article:

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Researchers have considered the cause of the FRB as a neutral star that remains after the huge star has exploded a supernova explosion, and is a neutral star with a very powerful magnetic field called a magnet.thing.

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エンガジェット日本版 銀河系内初観測の高速電波バースト、発生源はマグネター。原理解明はさらなる観測が必要

Astronomers such as MIT, Magil University, University of British Colombia, Toronto University, Pelimeter theory Research Institute, and Canada National Research Council, a series of Fed with a chime radio telescope in the Dominion Radio Observatory in British Columbia, Canada.Was observed.

And from the close, it was possible to identify that the SGR 1935+2154, one of the most common magnets, located about 30,000 light years away from the earth.

By finding out that the source is a magnetter, researchers are working on new tasks why magnes launch the Fedator.

Radio radiation in the universe is generated as a powerful radio wave due to ultra -large black holes, supernova remnants (remains remaining after supernova explosion), and high -temperature gas in the galaxy, which are mostly called radiation light.increase.

However, researchers suspect the possibility that magnes have generated powerful radio waves in a completely different process.

In the Fed, the electron does not occur in the random interaction with the magnetic field, but it occurs in large quantities.For example, researchers have made hypotheses that there is a possibility that some kind of phenomena as an antenna that turns electrons in a specific direction by electric wires may act all at once on magnetic fields in magneteter.But to find out, you will need more observation.

Researchers say, "The important thing is to dig into this source of research and find out how the Fed is being created."

Source: Mit News, Nature