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In February, the 68th FFXIV Producer Letter Live LIVE announced a long -term outlook, such as the graphics update of "Final Fantasy XIV" and the update schedule in the "Finale of Akatsuki".There are many people who want additional information because they are quite worried.[See another image about this article] In response to such expectations, an online joint interview with Naoki Yoshida, a "FFXIV" product and director, was held, and the reporters were in various questions.Yoshida answered.In the next "FFXIV Producer Letter LIVE" scheduled for March 4th, "Akatsuki no Finale" patch 6.As a special part 1 in the special feature, the specific contents of the update and the details that could not be expressed this time will be revealed.Fleetless, which had been stopped to prevent confusion immediately after its release, will be resumed sequentially from February 22.If you want to play "FFXIV" and see it, try a free fret life that can be played for free.■ I want to stop the genre of online games -"FFXIV" has been completed over a long time of 10 years.Patch 6.After 1, I think that a new story or an adventure is waiting for the player.Will the new story be developed over a similar period?Please tell me if you can talk about the concept of the story.Yoshida: In terms of concept, it is an adventure.Now the adventurer has the title of light warrior and hero, but 2.As if you started 0, as one adventurer, you want to deliver a new adventure that goes to various mysteries."Heidelin Zodiark" is probably 5.I'm suddenly saying from about 0.2.0 and 3.Whether you are making such a thing while making 0, it is not honest. In the future, I don't know if I want to draw a saga with a similar length. To be honest, when you draw an exciting adventure of each story, most of the hints have been solved by the "Finale of Akatsuki", but the world is solved. Of course, there is still an idea about the mystery that is still lying down, and in the process of drawing them, I think this will be OK even if it is another big flow. In the early stages, a single adventure is good, but if you want to face something bigger, you will probably turn it there. In the first half, we are also going to return to the concept of delivering each story to everyone. As with "Jet Black Villains" and "Finale of Akatsuki", I think that it is a shock because it is a shocking part of the story that has been around for many years, so -called thawing. 7.0であれと同じくらいの衝撃を受けるかといと、積み上げがまた必要だと思っています。 とはいえ、ゲームとして大満足いくようにするのは当然、いつも僕らは毎回それを課題とか目標にしているところですので、達成していけるようにひとつずつ、プレーヤーの皆さんと一緒に、河原に石をひとつずつ積み上げていって、どこまで高くできるか「一緒にやっていこうぜ」という気持ちでいます。――ここ数年で大きく変わったところとして、ストリーマーの存在があると思います。吉田さんからみたストリーマーの印象や、実際にストリームするときに他社が表示されるdeliveryで、設定などを慎重に行なう人が多いが、そういったところをオプションなどで対応する予定はありますか。吉田氏: あまり考えたくはない、ただ僕は立場上考えなくてはいけないんですが。例えば他人を表示しないオプションをdelivery用に用意したとすると、人がいないMMOを放送できてしまうんですね。一般の大多数の人から見て、deliveryモード中ですと画面に出したとしても、その違いは分からないので、変なネガキャンに使えてしまうこともあるので、正直言うと、そこに関してはあまりポジティブではないです。 ただ、もともと大人気なストリーマーさんがプレイすると、人が寄ってきてしまうということはあります。スターがわが町にやってきたみたいなものなので。そういった案件をご報告していただいたときには、改めて我々から注意点をお伝えするなどして、サポートしていければと思います。――キャラクターの表示に対してはそう思いますが、例えばプレーヤーの名前の初期状態をイニシャルで表示するとかそういったサポートはないのかなということが気になっていたんです。吉田氏: 悩ましいな。シチュエーションによると思うんですよね。言いたくはないですが、立場上ネガティブに働くことを考えなければならない立場なので、名前が表示されることで自制心が働くこともあると思うんです。よく駅前でテレビカメラがあると「イエ~!」とかやっている人がいるが、全国に顔を晒しちゃってるけど大丈夫かなと思うんです。あれでも、頭の上に名前が出ているとやる人はあまりいないと思うんですよね。バランスかなと思っていて、オプションとしてはイニシャルに変えることができはするので、そういうところを啓蒙していくことからかなと思います。deliveryされるんであれば、こういうところに注意してくださいという表示を作るとか。――例えばLoadstone上で?吉田氏: そうですね。ただ今回「漆黒のヴィランズ」から「暁月のフィナーレ」に至る間の中で、特に海外の数十万、数百万のコミュニティを持っているdelivery者さんがこぞって「FFXIV」をプレイし始めて、ストリームをしてもらったときには、あまり遮る人はいなくて。みんな声掛けしながら、どちらかというと、コンテンツクリアの場所で待っていて、みんなでクラッカーを鳴らしたりとか、整列して、「いよいよ蒼天のイシュガルドに来たね、おめでとう!」みたいな。あれが「FFXIV」の持っているコミュニティの温かさというか、新規の人を歓迎するとても良いところ。それはdelivery者であろうが、そうでなかろうが、この11年一緒に作り上げてきた雰囲気だと思っています。僕はどちらかというとあそこを信じたいし、何かあったら、そういうことはしないようにしようねという話をして、何でもかんでもシステムで封鎖して、変なルールでがんじがらめになっていく世界には、正直言うとあまりしたくないという気持ちが僕の根本にあります。 僕も、20年以上北米にサーバーあるゲームで育てられて、色々な人に優しくしてもらって今があるので。規模が大きくなったからこそやらなければならない部分があるというのもわかってはいるんですけど、どちらかというと、あんまりシステムで制限したり、ルールでがんじがらめにしたくはない。そうしてしまうと、今度はそのスイッチをオンにしないでdeliveryしている人を攻撃する可能性があると思っていて、そうしなければならないになってしまう。だから、ありとあらゆる方向性を考えていかなくてはならないのは僕の立場で、繰り返しになりますが、今のところはあまり考えていないです。一部騒ぐ人もいるとは思うんですが、節度を守ってプレイされている方のほうがはるかに多いので。――PLLで「1人でもみんなでも遊べるRPGの進化」というテーマを掲げられましたけれども、改めて、今プレイしてくださっている「FFXIV」プレーヤー以外に、どういう方にプレイをしてもらいたいと考えてそういうテーマを掲げたのか。例えば、いっそオフライン感覚で遊んでもらってもいいよという形への舵切りなのか。とはいえ、そういう形で入ってきた方に、オンラインのコミュニティに触れて欲しいという、その層の広がりを意識したものなのか、そのあたりを教えてください。吉田氏: これはかねてから、インタビュー等で皆さんにお話してきたと思うんですけど、僕はオンラインの世界というか、MMOの世界には、現実世界で体験したことのないようなカルチャーだったり、ゲーム体験というものが間違いなく存在すると思っているんです。それを今でも信じています。 最終的にそれを皆さんに届けたいという気持ちは、何一つ変わっていないです。ただ、ここまでやってきて、ここまで認知度を上げてきてもなお、オンラインだからという理由がアンケートでやらない理由の1位にくるということは、今までと同じやり方をしていても駄目なんだろうと。 そうなのであれば、例えばコミュニティの皆さんや、プレーヤーの皆さんが友達を誘う時、「シナリオは全部ソロでクリアできるからおいでよ」と、その一言を言ってもらえるためにやろうとしています。――では、コミュニティを広げていきたいというところは相変わらずというところですね。吉田氏: 「FFXIV」のシナリオよかったね、最高だったね、この先も楽しみだね、でいいんです。ただ、これは麻雀を実装した理由と同じですが、そのうちの何パーセントかが、ふとしたきっかけで、気まぐれにマッチングでコンテンツにいってみたら、思ったよりもみんな優しくてよかったとか。それをきっかけに、普通にマッチングでゲームを始めてくれれば、マルチプレイだからこそのおもしろさとか、実は思っていたイメージはあくまでも食わず嫌いだったんだなとか、そういうところに最終的につながっていってくれて、そういう人がまた新しく、苦手意識のある人たちに、「いや俺でもやれて、本当にストーリーやるだけやって1人大丈夫だから」と、それを武器にしてもらいたい。それはマーケティングPRチームの武器でもあるし、コミュニティの皆さんの武器でもある、メディアの皆さんにも改めてそれを言えるようにしたい。 ほとんどが1人で遊べるけれど、ダンジョンだけはマッチングが必要なんですとか。7.In 0, even though eight barbarism warfare cannot be handled yet, it can be said.For example, 7.When interviewing with 0 PR, when you have a special feature on "FFXIV", the ID of the main story can be played like an offline game, and the 8 -person party that requires matching is less responsible. It's okay because everyone is kind, at worst, even if you can't fight, you can clear it. I think this message can exceed the game genre. Again, as a result, I want you to reach the end of playing with people, having people in the world, being shared by the world. increase. I want to expand the frontage tripled or four times. To be honest, I don't think there is a game console that is not connected to the network anymore. So I want to stop the name online game. ――It means that the genre itself wants to be an “RPG that can be played by one person alone”. Yoshida: That's right. "Fort Knight" doesn't have an online game. Now it's "Final Fantasy XIV Online", but I want to take online. Why only MMO is said? ――There was a story about strengthening the parts that even one person can play, but from there, guidance to the parts that everyone can play. For example, are you planning to prepare something like an intermediate building where you can learn skills? Yoshida: I think it's an issue. Conversely, I think that if you proceed with all the IDs of the main story by face, you will be self -training. You can clear it because other players do so hard, but if you want to clear your ID as soon as possible, you can't just rely on the face. So I think that the number of places for practice will inevitably increase. There are some places where party content should not be cleared, but I just want to be good, and I don't have the opportunity to learn the correct answer for that. There are wooden people, but there are quite a few, but we are discussing what we want to do more. ――It would be nice to have a system that allows you to be evaluated by some score when you go to a dungeon with the support NPC. Mr. Yoshida: Everyone said, we all adjust the balance, and if the expansion package comes out, we tune all the acquisition levels, so we will do it all every time. I want you to imagine a little multiplication. Of course, if it is said that it is the convenience of development, that is why it is not so easy to prepare. There is a desire to adjust your job as lightly as possible, but if you make something like a judgment content, it will be troublesome to adjust the job. We are also human, so if we have to do that, we should stop it. You can understand that it is difficult to decide to implement it as a shackle of our players, which can be a shackle of players' play experiences. You may be asked if you should hire a lot of people, but there aren't many people who can create and adjust skills in that level. But I'm sure it's a challenge, so I'll do my best. ■ The 8 -person ID has been renovated into a completely new form -there was an announcement that the required ID of all main quests and the four -player extinction battle would be compatible with the face, but the Face System itself will also be updated. Is it done? Also, are you considering any difficulty adjustment of your ID according to the face? Mr. Yoshida: I think this is the only way to play, but of course the face AI has been enhanced considerably, and many of the staff have prepared to write a face algorithm, so now ID is renovated. Because it has been stepped on, it is extremely many in the sense of internal updates. 6.I've been doing it since 0 and has been implemented. However, what is your visible update? However, since we have made gimmicks that cannot be handled even if we have it, there are quite a few adjustments to the ID gimmick so that they can be cleared with face. ――Is, for example, a gimmick that recovers an abnormal state by taking the Morvol of Oramvail? Yoshida: Unfortunately, Oramvail is not a required ID of the main story, so it is not supported. ――By the way, the face of the face was also sold quite a bit in the “Akatsuki no Finale”, but will these things be enjoyed with a new face system? Yoshida: Some are and some. Nameless help adventurers don't talk so much. Even if you empathize too much, you can't take it to the world. So, sometimes it gets dry, or when a famous guy comes together, you'll talk properly. This is a patch 6 on March 4th.I will tell you in the special PLL, but I will stop calling the system name called Face.Because the image is dragged there.The idea of fostering a phantom is a face, that is, the member of the Akatsuki is a face, but otherwise it is called a story supporter or a story support, which is a different system.We will support the dungeon in this story and change it to a system that clears with NPC.――So, is it not possible to develop because it is a dungeon supporter there?Yoshida: Yes, that's right.I didn't say it was confusing on Saturday, but 6 again.1 I'm going to tell you in detail in the special feature. ――The main quest is renovated significantly, the content roulette: two dungeons corresponding to the main quest will change significantly, but this is a three -boss system similar to a normal dungeon. Is it okay to recognize that enemies that don't apply to an instance battle? Yoshida: Yes. So I think the main story roulette will probably go away. As a normal ID, you will be lined up in leveling. The Altema Weapon match is the same as Titan and Ifrit. ――Are Gaius switching to that form? Yoshida: I don't say where to put Gaius because it's spoiler, but I didn't say the day before yesterday. ――Is that mean, the content of the ID will change significantly? For example, there was a gimmick such as riding a magic armor in Magic Castle Plaetorium. Yoshida: I'm changing it. ――Do you recognize that existing players can enjoy as new IDs? Yoshida: Well, that's right. I think I'm tired (laughs). Regarding those two eight dungeons, the two ids that I made in a hurry ignoring the regulations during the new life will not be able to play again. In the outer chase, you will not have to wait for Sid to come and dance while dancing. There are eight people in Lewia. ――I'm very worried about what the adventurer platoon will be treated in the future as the existing instance ID is supported NPC, but can you answer it? Mr. Yoshida: As you may have reported in PLL before, the contents of the adventurer platoon are made in a completely different mechanism from the face system. The adventurer platoon is rather rude to be a collection of IF statements, which is much lower than a face, which is much lower than a face, which is a lot of IF sentences. In order to further develop an adventurer platoon, I think it is better to replace it with the same system as the face at the end of all face support. Until then, the update will be temporarily stopped. I know that I'm really training with my attachment, so I might add rewards. If you make any more, the head will be too intense with the face, and if you become a face or story support function, it will be stressful. In order to join, I hope that once the development cost will be assigned to the main story ID. ■ Graphics renovation is a great command from Mr. Yoshida - Please tell us your comments when you make a comment that graphics will evolve in PLL. Mr. Yoshida: When I put out an image that I wanted to see the tired Yoshida first, I thought that a little more "this is not" or "This is not the case!" 。 Then everyone is kind. "Yeah, beautiful, yeah ...", "I see ...", the moment I said "No, I think this is different!" That's it. The development team worked hard to improve the quality, and I thought it was subtle, but it was hard to say. But the moment I said it was a little different, this was different, it wasn't. I was impatient for a moment. No, what if this is good? When the development team also raises graphic quality, it is quite difficult to see where to aim for techniques, techniques, shaders, and textures. However, this time, the technical animator, the character and the leaders of the BG gathered together with me, and I was doing ZOOM meetings many times and watching the test data, but eventually we were doing it. I think that the "FFXIV" player will seek the improvement of graphics quality, which is not a photorian that is generally said, with a very reflection, a slightly flirty PVC style. If you don't do "FFXIV", such a CG -like one may look higher as a CG quality. But we talked that we shouldn't take it, and we made this sample. If you are close to the nuances of the current character, if you don't know "FFXIV", there is a danger that you will say, "What a graphics update is not a big deal." But that's good. No matter how much you rush, it's MMO. It would not be better if the character that was created, an irreplaceable alter ego was not a different. I talked so much and made it, so I knew it that was good, and there were so many people who honestly told me that this was it. I'm afraid to put it out at this time, but on the side, I felt good because I was able to hold a player community once and once. ――Are this graphics update started with Yoshida -san, or is the enthusiasm for updating from the staff? Yoshida: I don't say it from development unless I say it. When I talk to individuals, I want a little more memory. The texture is not a single layer, but a multi -texchari with more multi -layered layers. Multi -textures can perform performance, but if you can't, it's hard to get quality. However, if you make a multi -texture, you have to put three pieces in a place where one piece is good so far. In other words, it will be beautiful, but the number of work hours will definitely increase. So, one more multi -texture, two greed, but if you think that this large area must be created in four months, it seems better if you can not use multi -texture. So, if you don't say that I'll do it from me, everyone will say, "Let's do it! Yoshida: That's a big deal. Everyone was the limit soon. After all it is frustrating. Others use a variety of methods, memory, and shaders, so we can only make things with this method for a long time. However, of course, the number of man -hours rises, so it could be strangled, but I thought I would do it this time, but when I asked how I did it, everyone was like "Let's do it!" The only thing I was very worried about was the quantity. Before the answer, 7.First of all, please tell us if you need to convert all equipment.Do you want to answer after that?Is it essential to replace all NPCs with new specifications?7.Please tell me the image of the release of 0 first.I know because I'm the end of an engineer.I can't do that.And if you say that you can do it, you don't like it, and you say it's impossible, so 7.Let's support all the new resources from 0.After that, I will explain to the players to do it sequentially from where I can.I guess the players will probably say that's fine.So we believe in it and move forward.If you don't do it now, you will probably can't do it forever.If you say that, let's do it.I felt like I could do my best.Producer and director are hard.Because you need motivation and persuasion of development.If the director alone was different, it might have been like "I'm thinking of a graphics update soon, Naoki -chan."As expected, there is no producer at that level (laughs).――7.In 0, it was to respond to PlayStation 4, but when do you think about PS4? Yoshida: Naturally, it's all about how much the hardware is working. We aim to be able to play with various hardware. As a result, having as many people as possible in the world play is one of the concepts that are listed. However, it is easier for us to have less hardware compatible hardware when considering the debug number. That's true. Of course, it is not natural to continue supporting even though the hardware is hardly operated. However, we are suffering, but there are people who can't buy even if they want to buy them because the number of ships of PlayStation 5 is also suffering from semiconductor..Isn't there a lot under the situation of 0?If so, at least 7.Considering the time of 0, it would be better to be able to play with the hardware PS4.Even if I thought that the current players could play with peace of mind, I thought I should say that now.Of course, it doesn't make sense to just state, and we make neat calculations and processes to say clearly.The current PS4 version is made in a short period of time, which is made in a way that relies on hard specifications to some extent, so we have once again verified that there is still room for optimization.So first 7.6 before 0.During the X series, the PS4 optimization is high, so that it works lighter than now, and then includes all the functions to update with the first graphics update. Then, increase the graphics options, and for example, if you want to give priority to the frame rate in PS4, for example, if you have one new fog layer. Shadow texture resolution and shadow calculation accuracy can also be lighter by adding the option to lower the frame rate. This is the basic graphics engine of "FFXIV". This time, it is test data in one month and one week I showed, but please think that it is the standard. How many more shavers can be applied is that hundreds of people are drawn in that state, add additional processing on the background side, optimize all of them, and are too terrible. If you don't turn it into an option anymore, you'll be going to do something. However, as a design philosophy, it is made under the idea that it can be opted. The same is true for PCs, not just PS4. If there is an option to further increase the accuracy of the shadow, it will be a form of trying to match the performance of your PC. So, at present, I can't say how much it will be. From now on, we will make it and adjust it. However, there is no such thing as a picture shown in PS4. ――7.I think the performance of the PC has improved considerably in about two years when 0 comes out, but will it be a graphics update for that? Yoshida: No. Again, we are not aiming for a standalone quality game. I don't have a development that matches the top of the PC. I understand. I think some people can put in MODs and put images like live -action on the Internet, but I know how many people have a PC of that level as data. It doesn't make much sense to aim for that. Especially we are MMO. No matter how hard you try, you can't beat the stand -alone game. If so, it would be much better to have many people enjoy it, aiming for a very smooth, very smooth, about the middle of the PC if you cut the cost. I think. After all there is a shortage of semiconductors. The performance may increase, but I think it is expensive to buy. There is a mining boom and there are many uneasy factors, so it is honest to predict the specifications in two years and match it, and I think it is impossible for business now. ――Is the character creation width expanded at the timing of graphics enhancement? For example, can you choose the Aura's corner and face separately? Yoshida: That's a different matter from the graphics update. Because it is a parameter, the communication fee is very large, so I do not say that I will do it at this stage. I have no choice but to test. However, honestly, designers are not very reluctant. Because it is multiplication. What's more, if you increase this race, it will start to increase this. It is quite difficult to do the work man -hours at the same time as the graphics update. Even if the development companies around the world cooperate, they will be involved in the main designs including memory. It is a rule that people called technical artists cannot do unless they do it carefully, so at this stage, Jesus can not be said to be no, but it is quite difficult to update graphics at the same time. ――The layered objects in the field were increasing this time, but will the number of characters displayed not increase? Yoshida: I don't think it will reduce it more than ever, but if you increase it mischievously, it will be a performance stop and tug of war for graphics updates. The current number is based on the minimum. I think it depends on the person if you want to display a lot more. If you want to display a lot more than now, and if you want to be more beautiful because the number of displays is enough, I think that there are more latter. Perhaps unless it's a mob battle or a user event, it's not so inconvenient. ――It may not be displayed in a commemorative photo of user events. Yoshida: It's a difficult tug of war. If so, the group pose is like maximizing the number of displayed people so that it breaks through the restrictions on the character display during the shooting mode. But at that time, there are many people suddenly come out. It's quite difficult. Just think that you will not lower it more than that. I can't say it spreads. If you are trying to eat performance, but if you say that you will increase the number of displayed people at the same time, the planner or designer will ask you to stop everything (laughs). ――Is the graphics engine being considered? Yoshida: Probably, it may not be possible to imagine the huge graphics engine. It is not something that can be replaced. When it comes to engines, I think it's easy to imagine something like a car engine, but it's not right now. It's like a large -scale integrated circuit with all kinds of drawing pipelines. Replacing it means that all pipelines must be connected and the asset is rebuilt accordingly, so it is impossible to replace the graphics engine. If anything, there are high -quality shader codes that are not actually used for the "FFXIV" engine that we have created so far. This time, some of these are optimized again, while others add a completely new pipeline. So, the engine is powered up. The unique texture of "FFXIV" using a defered lendering does not change at all. ■ 7.0 The trailer is already moving in your head-6.I don't think we can talk about the story after 1, but Zodiark Heidelin is 6.I think that the direction of the story in the future is completely unknown by the end of 0.Among them 6.When you do the X series, 7 in the flow.Do you see whether 0 will be like this, or 6?.0 Series and 7.Please tell me if 0 is separated.Yoshida: Of course, if you don't smell it, you won't be connected next.But 4, 4.X to 5.It was up to that time because I didn't even smell 0.I think this is a good place for the live title, so I will adjust the script directly while watching your reactions.Already 7 in me.The picture of the 0 trailer is starting to move little by little, but I don't know.Well, if you look at this expression, you will understand that this guy is making something happily again.――7.I understand that Yoshida -san is doing something very fun.Yoshida: Of course, there are scary parts of how to respond.I was afraid that even when I was making jet -black, I was making Akatsuki.We can only say that this is the plunge, and that's all the time, and maybe it will probably not change, so I'll do it again.6.From the middle of 1, I think it will be like "What?" "What?".I don't think the image of 0 is unknown, so please look forward to it -Finally, please give me a message Yoshida: Even though it is generally one title, one of the top is this. During the period, I think that there is probably no case where I will continue to make games for a long time, and even if I reach the milestone, I will do it until I die for the time being. This is the same for this graphics update, and after seeing the long -term place, we will do it more, and it is difficult to make a change of an unexplored mountain. I think. Even if the technology is taken over, I think that it will not be inherited in a perfect state, so if you put it together with the first climax called "Akatsuki no Finale" so far, I think the next mountain is more difficult. I am. That's why I think I need to continue. There are rumors that Yoshida is likely to quit, but I think that I have to be sick or have died in an accident, so I would like you to keep watching the growth of "FFXIV". is. At the time of the statement of belief, I came across this project, saying that everything was all for all customers, and that's still the same. I am also grateful to the players, and I will continue to develop with the help of development, operation, marketing PR, community and media. Thank you for your continued support. --thank you very much. © 2010-2021 SQUARE ENIX Co., LTD.All Rights Reserved.Logo Illustration: © 2021 YOSHITAKA AMANO
GAME WATCH, Satoshi Ishii (Crafle)
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