"Beats Flex-fragment design special edition" is now on sale on Apple's official website
Former Filipino dancer, actor and camera operator Kyxz Mendiola made his inventor debut and announced the Passenger Drone.
Mendiola's drone has a one-person cockpit with multiple propellers used in other smaller drones. It is a personal drone or a drone that can be called a one-seater flying car.
Mendiola says he has spent a lot of time raising money to launch the project. After finishing his first flight, Mendiola told the media that it was a great flight experience and everything went as expected.
Called the "Millennia Concept," the aircraft can climb to a height of about 6m and fly at a maximum speed of 69km / h and a maximum gross weight of 100km. Also, as a new safety measure, if one of the two operating rotors breaks down, the remaining 16 Reuters built into the main unit are automatically selected as a replacement to compensate for it. Six lithium-ion batteries are the power source for human-sized aircraft, but details of specifications such as type and power have not yet been clarified. In addition, it is said that the maneuvering performed by the radio is quite easy.
Press the button to raise it, or push the stick to move forward.Very smart and has great potential
Mendiola's ultimate goal is to eliminate some of the traffic congestion in cities like Manila with this machine. It would take an hour to drive in the city, but with this drone it is possible to reach the destination in 5 minutes.
Since the promotional video became a hot topic on Youtube, Australian company Star8 has become a development partner for Mendiola and is co-developing it to make it even better. Star8 states that the "Millennia Concept" has great potential in Asian and European markets.
▶ ︎ Flying Kyxz DIY Flying Kyxz Passenger Drone