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Popular YouTuber Hikaru
Popular YouTuber HikaruとX JAPANのYOSHIKIのコラボ対談が実現した。異色の組み合わせだが、共通の知り合いである元2ちゃんねる管理人で実業家のひろゆき氏から話を聞いたYOSHIKIがヒカルに興味持ち、対談を持ち掛けたという。【写真】「甘く見ていました」…直撃取材で懺悔したヒカル
Hikaru says, "I'm really nervous, I don't think it's a YouTube shooting. I'm already on TV now.""It's a great flexibility for viewers watching YouTube that really successful people like YOSHIKI are involved with YouTuber like this."In the dialogue, YOSHIKI's view of life, Hikaru looked back on the steps as YouTuber, and talked about how to deal with each other's business.YOSHIKI says, "I think the entertainment world has a lot to learn (in the world of YouTube). The times have always been like this, so it always changes. It takes any flexibility in any position.I think Hikaru, "I don't think I need to come to this position and meet YouTuber. But I will meet you on YouTuber.It would not be possible unless you were young. "In the dialogue, Hikaru's profits on YouTube are also talked about.When YOSHIKI asked me, "How much income is youtube?"10 million yen is stable, it is good and it exceeds 100 million, and even if it is bad, it is about 50 million. "The cost of video production is also taken with a smartphone camera, and the labor costs are hardly charged."Hikaru talked without stagnation, but there is a dream. The average monthly income of YouTube is earned nearly 1 billion in the year. It may be natural because it is a top YouTuber.Not, but from the perspective of people working in the TV world, it is beyond imagination. Most of the TV talent and entertainers "(TV commercial officials).