The flying motorcycle show, Tokamachi | Niigata Nippo Digital Plus

The flying motorcycle show, Tokamachi | Niigata Nippo Digital Plus


 The show of a practical hoverbike that moved in the air was held on the 15th at the Nakasa and Kiyotsu Ski Resort in Ninoshi, Tokamachi City, Niigata Prefecture.Since the test operation for commercialization was performed at the ski resort, it was also open to the local area.The gathered residents cheered on the state -of -the -art technology.

 The commercialization was "A.I TechNologies (Tokyo)", which handles industrial drones and air mobility businesses.The test operation was performed at the ski resort around August, and on October 26, it just announced commercialization on Fuji Speedway (Shizuoka).We have already received orders, 777 million yen per unit.

 According to the company, the hoverbike is 3.7 meters long, 2.4 meters wide, and a height of 1.5 meters.It is said that two large propellers just below the aircraft rotate and float, and control the direction of travel with four small propellers before and after.Combining the engine and the battery, the cruising time is 40 minutes, and the maximum speed reaches 80 km / h.

 At the show, a rider wearing a helmet appears.After confirming the safety of the aircraft and the sky, it floated for about 1 meter and turned slowly.In a tremendous sound and wind, local residents and government officials said, "It's amazing, floating."

 The company said, "In addition to leisure purposes such as the sea, there are inquiries for utilization in the event of a disaster. We will aim for miniaturization and electrification in the future."

 In the test operation, the ski resort was selected in consideration of good access from the city center and noise countermeasures.One of the local residents (73) said, "It was a temporary noise, but I thought it was unavoidable for the state -of -the -art vehicle. It was a great technology and I would like to expect a disaster rescue."
