How to prevent you inadvertently turn on a flashlight? -Why that can't be heard now why | Mynavi News Mynavi News Mynavi

How to prevent you inadvertently turn on a flashlight? -Why that can't be heard now why | Mynavi News Mynavi News Mynavi

Do you know that the iPhone is equipped with a "flashlight"? It is not a formal name, but if you press and hold the flash light button at the bottom left of the lock screen, the LED near the rear camera will remain on the rear camera, and it will be like a flash.You can illuminate your feet like a light.It is a convenient function that is surprisingly useful, such as when looking for a keyhole in a place without lighting.

It is troublesome to keep the flashlight, keeping it on something.Sometimes it is seen on trains, but it is quite noticeable.If you inadvertently look around the light source, it will be so strong that the afterimage will remain, so you may be bothering someone without knowing it.

In conclusion, there is no way to completely prevent the flashlight from being turned on incorrectly.The flash light button at the bottom left of the lock screen cannot be hidden at the moment of iOS 14, so do not insert an iPhone in the back pocket of the jeans, so you only need to press and hold it.

うっかり「懐中電灯」を点けてしまうのを防止する方法は? - いまさら聞けないiPhoneのなぜ | マイナビニュース マイナビニュース マイナビ

However, if you turn off the "Tap and Sleep release" switch on the "Settings" → "Accessibility" → "Touch" screen, the possibility of accidentally pressing the flashlight button is quite low.Even if the screen is unconsciously tapped in the locking state, the sleep is not released, so there are few opportunities to press and hold around the flashlight button as a result.

If you are worried that it will lightly light up, adjust the brightness.Press and hold the flashlight button in the control center and drag the appearing vertical bar graph up and down to adjust the brightness in four steps.The setting will be applied when the flash light button is applied for the next time, so if the brightness is minimized, the damage will be reduced by incorrectly lit.
