"Beats Flex-fragment design special edition" is now on sale on Apple's official website
Intelligent Energy is for the UAV market 2.A 4kW fuel cell power generation product will be released.Actually, the actual machine was also on display at Xponental2019.
In just 18 months, Intelligent Energy launched four products designed for commercial UAV.These products provide solutions that overcome the limit of battery power.In addition, it will be a very attractive product in the commercial UAV market because it is hard to break down and fuel supply can be done immediately.
The 800W fuel cell generation module released by Intelligent Energy about eight months ago was used to achieve the longest flight Guinness record for drones.It is an attempt by Metavista, a Korean company.Liquid hydrogen was used for the fuel of the module, and the multi -rotor UAV recorded a record of 12 hours, 7 minutes and 5 seconds.The record demonstrated that the previous Guinness Record, 2 hours, 6 minutes, 7 seconds, and still extend the flight time.
Intelligent Energy's highest sales representative Lee Juby commented:
Our fuel cells are the lightest and powerful in the market.We will continue to create the latest innovative products to prove that they are leading the fuel cell power generation market for commercial UAV.
At first, for some customers 2.The company plans to sell a 4kW module, and will be shipped in October 2019.General sales will start in early 2020.
This latest product has achieved a longer flight time.For example, if you use the DJI M600 frame equipped with a 11 -liter 350Bar hydrogen cylinder, 2.4KW FCPM can fly for 2 hours when it can only fly for 25 minutes in the conventional battery pack.
2.If two 4kw modules are connected in parallel, without additional hardware 4.You will be able to get power up to 8kw.The module continues to supply power to the UAV, and is also used with a small battery for the peak load.
The module is compatible with many existing frames, but efficiency and flight time are optimized when it is installed in customization frames.
In addition, practical use has definitely progressed, and this time, a hydrogen engine unit prototype with a 100kW output was also displayed.It was developed for passenactive loans and autonomous driving vehicles that require a large -capacity output.
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