Introducing the latest models in 21 years, including Apple's audio special feature "AirPods" and "HomePod Mini" -Fashion press

Introducing the latest models in 21 years, including Apple's audio special feature "AirPods" and "HomePod Mini" -Fashion press

Apple's audio products, complete wireless earphones "AirPods (Air Pords)" and "AirPods Pro (Air Pord Pro)", complete wireless headphones "AirPods Max", smart speaker "HOMEPOD mini".Introducing the latest model in 2021.

Apple's audio product 2021 latest model list

  1. AirPods (3rd generation)
  2. AirPods Pro
  3. AirPods Max
  4. HomePod mini

AirPods (3rd generation)

"AirPods" is a complete wireless earphone that is working on Apple."AirPods" appeared in the first generation in 2016.Since then, it is a dish instructed by people around the world as the "most popular wireless earphone in the world" with smart design and high functionality.The first update was implemented as the second generation in 2019, and in 2019, the high -end model "AirPods Pro" and the headphone type "AirPods Max" were released in the category.And in 2021, a new third generation "AirPods" was released.


アップルのオーディオ特集「AirPods」「HomePod mini」など21年最新モデル紹介 - ファッションプレス


AirPods Pro

Apple's complete wireless earphone "AirPods Pro" appears with new designs and functions different from "AirPods".It comes with three soft silicon ear chips with different sizes, and provides a more immersive sound with a flexible deformation shape and a comfortable feeling of wearing and excellent sealing.Functions such as newly added noise canceling are also attractive.




③没入感あるサウンド「AirPods Pro」の内部には、クリアなサウンドを生み出す専用のハイダイナミックレンジアンプと、20Hzまでのリッチな低音と正確な中高音域オーディオを出力する歪みの少ないスピーカードライバを内蔵。また、音楽の低音域部分と中音域部分をリスナーの耳の形に合わせて自動的に調整してくれる「アダプティブイコライゼーション」機能も備えている。

AirPods Max

"AirPods Max" is a complete wireless headphone handled by Apple.The elements such as "simple and easy setup", "high sound quality", and "sophisticated design" in the "AirPods" series are a dish that reproduces the original and dynamic sounds unique to the original sound of the headphones.


①ハイクオリティなサウンド体験「AirPods Max」の最大の魅力であるハイクオリティなサウンドは、アップルが設計した40mm口径のダイナミックドライバによって実現。深みのある豊かな低音域、正確な中音域、明瞭で透き通った高音域の伸びにより、あらゆるジャンルの音楽もはっきりと聞き取ることが出来る。②ノイズキャンセリングや空間オーディオなど先進的な機能「AirPos Max」に内蔵する「H1チップ」には、毎秒90億回の演算処理が可能な10個のオーディオコアを搭載。「アダプティブイコライゼーション」「アクティブノイズキャンセリング」「外部音取り込みモード」「空間オーディオ」といった先進的なサウンド体験を提供する。③大容量バッテリーによる長時間駆動「AirPods Max」は、「アクティブノイズキャンセリング」と「空間オーディオ」を有効にしたままでも連続20時間駆動が可能な大容量バッテリーを搭載。旅先での使用でも安心だ。