JAL and US Bell Bell Demonstration Examination in Texas in the United States | Biz/Zine (Bizzin)

JAL and US Bell Bell Demonstration Examination in Texas in the United States | Biz/Zine (Bizzin)


Bizzine editorial department [Author]

 Japan Airlines (JAL), along with Sumitomo Corporation and Bell Textron (Bell) on November 19, used a drone APT70 developed by Bell in Fortworth, Texas, USA, assuming a disaster.The experiment was conducted.

 JAL will effectively utilize the know -how of drone operation and survey data obtained through this demonstration experiment to realize drones for various purposes, such as transporting drones, including mountainous and remote islands, and emergency response in the event of a disaster.Therefore, it is said that we will aim for a flight demonstration experiment in Japan in cooperation with local governments.

JAL、米Bell社の大型ドローンを活用した実証実験を米テキサスで実施 | Biz/Zine(ビズジン)

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