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When you leave the human work to the machine, there is a concept that the machine is higher accurately and if the work is more efficient, it should be left to the machine.In the case of a camera, most people think that is fine.
In 1985, a full-fledged AF single-lens reflex camera Minolta α-7000 appeared.In addition to the convenience of AF, there was the idea that if you leave the focus to the camera, you should use that time effectively.I wonder if this means "let's work in drawing" or that.
Speaking of which, even when AE is introduced to the camera, the failure will be released in the same way, so there will be no failure, so it will be easier to focus on observing the subject carefully, and it will be easier to catch a shutter chance.I have been told.In the past, Kishin Shinoyama also said "Today's camera" while having Minolta XE (released in 1974, old).In both cases, I want to doubt that it is true, but what about it?
smc PENTAX A 50mm F1.4+ F AFアダプター1.7×合成焦点距離は85mm相当になりますので、ポートレート向きの画角です。マスターレンズは私がペンタックスの標準でもっとも好きな、信頼するレンズです。開放からそこそこにコントラストがあり、開口効率も良好、周辺光量も十分です。3 1/2段ほど絞り込みましたがかなりクリア描写で高画質。ボケ味も自然です。K-1 Mark II+F AFアダプター1.7× smc PENTAX A 50mm F1.4(F5・1/125秒)ISO 200I am a lazy person, so I agree with the automation of exposure and focusing, assuming that it will result in the same result whether it is set by a human or a machine.There are many subjects that move at high speed, such as sports that cannot be captured without AF.Some photos may have been taken because AF evolved.Even with AE, it sometimes occasionally pops out values beyond the photographer's rule of thumb.Of course, even in the old days, there were a lot of beautiful photos that captured the dynamic and have a lot of beautiful photos captured by exquisite exposure, so I would like to add them.
Both AE and AF vary depending on the shooting conditions and subjects, and one answer is derived, but even if the focus is completely determined and exposed with proper exposure, the photo is always attractive.There is a big problem that it is not necessarily.It is difficult to say that here, so the problem of camera automation will be described later, and I will move on to the main subject.
Following the previous Leika Mount Lens AF Plan, this is the second story of AF to make MF lenses.This time, we use Pentax accessories "F AF adapter 1.7 x".
F AFアダプター1.7×(リコーイメージングストアで税込4万6,750円)。ペンタックスがAF一眼レフを開発するにあたり、MFレンズもAFで動くようにしねえとまずいんじゃねえかな、ということで企画されたのでしょう。テレコンのレンズを動かしAFにしてしまえという発想は嫌いではありません。それにしても、いまだに現行品であることには驚きですが、外装だけでも高級感がある仕上げにリニューアルしませんかねえ。This is an accessory that is made into AF by attaching between MF lenses and Pentax Camera Body.The lens inside the adapter is moved from the motor on the body side and focusing, and the product name is "adapter", but this is a fine "rear converter".
According to Ricoh's announcement, the lens that can be used is a lens with an open F -number brighter than F2.8.The focal length is 1.7 times that of the master lens, and the brightness of the F value is about 1.5 steps.Automatic exposure, such as aperture priority and shutter priority, can be used, but the program automatic exposure is only in normal program mode.
This accessory is the current product on catalogs and websites.I'm surprised.In the dawn of AF SLR, Nikon had a similar AF teleconverter, but it is not now.
The reco -imageing announcement states that "an adapter that can be attached to the middle of a camera body with an autofocus function such as a manual focus lens such as A lens and an MZ series to enable auto -focus."
The "MZ series" is the Pentax Film SLR, MZ-5 and MZ-S.If you interpret this wording as it is, you can not use it for digital SLRs, and you will not know if you use it.Yeah, I don't say that I shouldn't use it anywhere, so of course I use it.The Pentax brand film SLR is a past because it does not exist as a current machine, so it can be used for digital SLR.Since the exterior color of this adapter is a light gray, it may be matched to the Body color of Pentax's AF SLR, such as Pentax SFX.
The main mission is to use this adapter to AF to AF to AF of MF K -mount lens and use it for Pentax Digital SLRs to achieve the "MF lens AF Plan".。
While the previous Leica Mount AF adapter was focusing by moving the mount surface, this is a de facto telecon, so it expands the focal length of the master lens and at the same time expands the weakness of the lens.There is a possibility.Also, the effect of 1.5 times the exposure multiples is reasonable.SLR's optical viewfinder view is definitely darker.It's a risky adapter.
It seems difficult to demonstrate the potential of the master lens in a wide -angle lens system, but in the middle telephoto or telephoto system, the focal length is extended with the same shortening distance, which is an advantage in the macro area.
For the camera used for live action, I chose Pentax flagship "Pentax K-1 Mark II" equipped with a 35mm full-size sensor.
Basically, these image circles are 35mm full size because they use old MF lenses in the film era.The idea is that it is better to be able to see the depiction of every corner of the screen, but personally there is no commitment to 35mm full size.If you are using an old lens, I'm glad to see it.So I think there are high expectations for old lenses that can be seen up to the surroundings.
However, in the K-1 Mark II, even if you attach a K-mount lens without electronic contact and use it with aperture priority AE, there is an unknown characteristics that the lens aperture will be open.This is the same when using the F AF adapter 1.7 ×.
The Pentax lens of the midfielder with an electronic contact is "Pentax A" (KA mount), so care must be taken when using another MF lens.
smc PENTAX 35mm F2+ F AFアダプター1.7×焦点距離は59.5mm相当。少し狭角な標準レンズというところでしょうか。この35mmはKマウントになって設計変更されているようで、素晴らしく高性能です。AFアダプター1.7×での使用でもビクともしませんね。手放せない一本です。絞り優先AEでは絞りは開放になりますから注意が必要です。K-1 Mark II+F AFアダプター1.7× smc PENTAX 35mm F2(F2.8・1/250秒)ISO 400smc PENTAX-A ZOOM35-105mm F3.5 + F AFアダプター1.7×59.5-178.5mm相当のズームレンズになります。スペックは地味で目立たないレンズですが、キミは一体どうしたんだ、というくらいデカくて重いです。でもズーミングでF値が変わらず性能は優秀。歪曲収差の補正も良好。最短撮影距離は1.5mですが、全焦点域でマクロ領域への切り替えが可能です。素晴らしい。中古カメラ店のジャンクコーナーで1,000円くらいで売られていますが、困るよねえこんなによく写ると(笑)。K-1 Mark II+F AFアダプター1.7× smc PENTAX-A ZOOM35-105mm F3.5(F10・1/800秒)ISO 200The Pentax A lens has an electronic contact with the mount part, and has a green "A" position in the aperture ring.With this setting, information exchanges electronically between the lens and the body.The aperture ring is set to the A position, and the aperture is selected and set using the camera body dial.In this way, the aperture will operate even when the aperture priority is AE.
In the K -mount lens without electronic contact, the aperture works by setting manual exposure on the body side.Pentax's SLR is the theory that the squeezing is narrowed down when the green button is pressed when the manual is exposed, and the metering is started, and the meter is appropriate, but the exposure value is over in the combination of the adapter.Will the factor with a multiple exposure be too much to be added?Mystery is.Well, there is no problem because it is enough to adjust the exposure.
As an aside, the K-3 Mark III, which appears in the near future, uses an instant aperture that can use a squeezing priority AE where the aperture operates even if you wear a Pentax K mount lens without electronic contact., More simpler use is possible.I would like to ask for the full-size machine in the K-1 Mark III (?).
smc PENTAX M 20mm F4+ F AFアダプター1.7×AFは正常に動作しました。焦点距離は34mm相当になるので、私の大好物の画角ですが、残念ながら線が太くヌケの悪い描写をします。画像は周辺まで割と均質性が高いのが救いです。ペンタックスMEやMXに合わせて登場した小型軽量のペンタックスMレンズは「性能を落とした」という人もいるのですが、個人的にはそう思っていません。K-1 Mark II+F AFアダプター1.7× smc PENTAX M 20mm F4(F8・1/250秒)ISO 800Also, although it is not very meaningful, F AF adapter 1.7 × can be used with AF Pentax FA lenses.It will be a substitute for an emergency telecon.The AF operation is the same as the MF Pentax lens, so move the lens in the adapter back and forth and focus.The AF function of the master lens is not used, and the focus ring is not applied.
The interesting thing is to expand the focal length by the adapter.The Pentax DA lens for APS-C seems to be able to use some lenses with 35mm full-size K-1 Mark II.Also, even if you have an AF motor in the lens, the focus ring is also free, and the AF on the F AF adapter 1.7 × works.
The unusable lens is announced by Pentax A15mm F3.5, M ZOOM 24-35mm F3.5, 15mm F3.5, 18mm F3.5, but in any case.Please at your own risk.
HD PENTAX DA20-40mm F2.8-4 ED Limited DC WR + F AFアダプター1.7×APS-C用の標準ズームレンズです。AFレンズですが、ちょっと変則的に入れてみました。K-1 Mark IIにそのまま装着するとクロップ枠が出ます。35mmフルサイズでの使用でもぎりぎりケラレはないようですが、画面四隅の画質は少し低下します。F AFアダプター1.7×装着時はクロップ枠が出ず、34-68mm相当になります。AFも動作します。鏡胴のデザインが美しく、かつ光学性能も超優秀です。K-1 Mark II+F AFアダプター1.7× HD PENTAX DA20-40mm F2.8-4 ED Limited DC WR(F8・1/500秒)ISO 200By the way, what is the actual feeling of use 1.7 x F AF adapter?There is only genuine accessories, and there is no discomfort in the wearing feeling.Factors with a multiple exposure can be absorbed by increasing the ISO sensitivity with a digital single -lens reflex camera, so it will not be a major problem.The gray color of the body is not luxurious, but it is an accessory that feels playful somewhere.
The adapter does not expand and contract with focusing, but since the AF motor of the camera itself is used, there is a coupler on the mounting side of the camera wearing the adapter.AF is faster than expected.Is it because the travel distance of the lens in the adapter is short?
Depending on the focal length, specifications, and shooting distance of the master lens, it is set in infinity with a wide -angle lens, and in the telephoto system, the MF is focused in advance, and finally the AF is operated and driven.I think it will be more.It's a semi -automatic guy.
According to the official announcement, the AF will not work unless the Master lens open F -number is brighter than 2.8, but if you actually try it, there is no major problem even if the open F value is 4 lenses, and the AF works normally. did.
The precision is quite good.Because it is a phase difference AF, I think that AF accuracy may be worried with a large -diameter wide -angle lens, but I did not feel much problem under the shooting conditions this time.If you are still worried about focus errors, you can switch to live views and use contrast AF.At this time, the speed of AF is slow, but depending on the conditions, face recognition is also activated, so you can use it conveniently.
smc PENTAX-ADENTALマクロ100mm F4+ F AFアダプター1.7×170mm相当の望遠マクロレンズになります。非常にシャープな描写なのがさすがのマクロレンズですね。この個体は「DENTAL」の表示がありますが普通に使えます。通常の絞り開放では少しコントラストが低めになるようですが、わずかに絞るだけでグッと繊細な描写になります。マクロ領域では、MFである程度フォーカスを合わせておいて、最後にAFで帳尻を合わせる使用方法になりますが便利です。K-1 Mark II+F AFアダプター1.7× smc PENTAX-ADENTALマクロ100mm F4(F10・1/500秒)ISO 400smc PENTAX-A ZOOM 24-50mm F4+ F AFアダプター1.7×広角寄りを基準にした小型な標準ズームレンズです。40.8-85mm相当の画角になります。AFは正常に動きました。想定より高画質になりました。歪曲収差の補正も良好。コントラストも高くシャープです。K-1 Mark II+F AFアダプター1.7× smc PENTAX-A ZOOM 24-50mm F4(F10・1/1,600秒)ISO 800Depending on the type of lens and the shooting distance, the AF may be silent as "...", but if you turn the master lens focus ring to some extent, the AF will work suddenly with the feeling that it is sorry., We will match the final focus buttocks.It's a good guy.Still, I personally felt that it was quite useful for a midfielder zoom lens that was difficult to focus.
The image quality almost depends on the performance of the master lens.With a reputable Pentax lens, the image quality does not seem to decrease, but old lenses may describe a thin veil.Depending on how you think, it is good to consider that it will be a suitable description for female portrait.The sharpness and contrast of the focus depends on the lens, but if you are worried, if you narrow it down to two steps from the opening, many lenses will be clearly visible.
It can be used in AF-C mode for moving anomphy, but it is stricter compared to the normal AF of the camera in birds such as birds.It was a good result on a train running at a fixed speed, but it can be considered a simple one.It is safer to avoid shooting like a one -shot game that can not be re -shot.
smc PENTAX ZOOM85-210mm F3.5 + F AFアダプター1.7×Kマウント初期の望遠ズームレンズです。焦点距離は144.5〜357mm相当になります。F3.5という開放F値は往時は大口径の部類だったかも。大きく重たいレンズです。AF-Cモードに設定して、こちらに向かってくる電車を連続撮影してみましたが、全コマ実用上満足のゆく合焦精度で、描写も優秀です。すみません、筆者は鉄分がゼロですので写真が下手です。K-1 Mark II+F AFアダプター1.7× smc PENTAX ZOOM85-210mm F3.5(F4.5・1/2,000秒)ISO 1600The lens mount standard wants to say that you should not easily change the promises you have decided once.This is very important in protecting the assets of the user's lens.
Pentax K mount was the first to be used for cameras such as K2 and KX in 1975.The standard was opened as a universal mount, and it was adopted as a single -lens reflex camera of Chinon, Kosina and the time.Now Pentax has become a Ricoh SLR brand, so I feel a mysterious fate.
In 1983, the K -mount became a KA mount corresponding to the aperture automatic control function, and the AF SLR evolved into KAF mount (1987) and KAF2 mount (1991) corresponding to the power room.
In addition, this is the name of the lens side, but the KAF3 mount is an in -lens motor system that omits AF couplers, and the KAF4 mount is even more aperture.Many of the current Pentax lenses have also been omitted.
This means that old lenses, like Nikon F Mounts, have a minimum of tasks with new cameras (with functional restrictions), but in principle, there is a promise that new lenses should not be used for old cameras.
smc PENTAX-AZOOM 70-210mm F4+ F AFアダプター1.7×119-357mm相当。直進式のズームレンズは現行品は見かけませんが、往時の望遠ズームレンズでは当然の仕様。マクロ領域撮影には便利です。ある程度MFでフォーカシングをしてからAFで追い込みますが便利です。地味な存在ですがいずれの焦点域でも高性能で、信頼できるレンズです。K-1 Mark II+F AFアダプター1.7× smc PENTAX-AZOOM 70-210mm F4(F9・1/500秒)ISO 1600Nevertheless, what is interesting is the appearance of three new lenses, HD Pentax-Fa Limited.These are so -called renewal, but since the "FA lens" of the new product with the aperture ring, AF is an AF coupling system that uses a motor in the body.
The sound of the AF operates, and the focus ring turns around when the AF operates, but it can be used for all models from the K-mount MF film SLR to the latest Pentax K-3 Mark III.In other words, it is a new product lens, but it also supports old camera body.
Looking at the eyes, I feel the strength of Pentax's hobbies, "I just need to understand the inconsistent lens type in this area.That is right.It's a hobby, so don't complain and use it yourself.It's really good (laughs).
Three "HD PENTAX-FA LIMITED" lenses with the latest coating and circular aperture appeared
31mmF1.8, 43mmF1.9, 77mmF1.8 Shichido -yaki detachable index
In Pentax in 1975, the trauma, which had been considered a considerable debate in changing the mount from M42 to K, may still be underlying.It is not held in 2020 and 2021 in Realist, but I heard from a person involved that it has been said to be a complaint that "why changed the mount" in CP+etc. until recently.。I'm scared, but the passion of Pentax users is transmitted.
In the conversion of SLRs, we did a very sorry K -mount lens user, so we prepared an F -AF adapter 1.7 × that can AF MF lenses, and the current Pentax Digital SLR.Did you respond to it?Great Ricoh.
However, many Pentax users wear a slightly mold and spider Pentax MF lens, which has been rescued for 1,500 yen from the junk corner of a used camera store that has not come, and is full of tea.You can be satisfied by turning the lens to your cat and pressing the shutter with a single fake, saying, "Oh, AF moves."Yeah, only good people like you.Of course it's a hobby, so that's fine.
As I mentioned earlier, it is very convenient for the camera to automate and evolve, but it is clear from this that it does not necessarily lead to the birth of a masterpiece.It's over.
XR RIKENON 45mm F2.8+ F AFアダプター1.7×ペンタックスブランドのカメラがリコーから発売されるようになるとは、20年前には想像もしませんでした。リコー一眼レフのマウントは当初はM42、のちにKマウントになります。両社は昔から遠からぬ関係があったわけで、ついに"純正"同士の組み合わせが実現しましたね。しかも今回はAFで(笑)。デザインはパンケーキで構成はテッサータイプだと思うけど、結構よく写ります。外装がプラスチッキーなのが気に入らないので、金属製にリニューアルしてくれませんかねえ。K-1 Mark II+F AFアダプター1.7× XR RIKENON 45mm F2.8(F8・1/250秒)ISO 200