Looking ahead of gaming, Twitch | Deep | CAMPAIGN JAPAN Japan

Looking ahead of gaming, Twitch | Deep | CAMPAIGN JAPAN Japan

Japan has long reigned as a mecca in the game industry.But one contradiction in this country (like many others) is that streaming distribution platforms like e -sports and Twitch are difficult to take root.Currently, the company will cut off open wrecks (OpenRec), Nico Nico apps, YouTube, etc.John Anderson, an advertising sales director in the Japanese market, has raised "improvement of awareness" as a challenge for differentiation.

He had been involved in Xbox advertising and Aus (Oath) (Oath) for 13 years in Seattle, and was about a year ago.He was a follower of Japanese culture and had the aspect of a shamisen master, and his career started was a Panasonic marketer in Tokyo.How will Twitch go this year?What are the approach required by advertisers?Anderson answered Campaign's question.

Mission in Japan

The main reasons for Twitch in Japan are Anderson, as well as in other markets, saying, "Our users (content creators) can do what they like to make a living."He is ridiculed to an advertising salesman who could interfere with the content experience, but he can't say "option for monetization"."Advertising revenue is funded for promising young people and adults who love games. The more you sell ads, the more brands you get involved, and the income of our content creators.Is increasing. "

So how much money does the average content creator of Japan earn?He does not mention the specific amount, but will refer to Tyler Belvin, a US streamer, who has the nickname of Ninja, earn more than $ 500,000 a month."In Japan, there are people who make a living alone in games, but I don't know which about the whole streamer."

Content: Transcendence of the game

From Twitch, "the Japanese market is a situation like the United States several years ago."In other words, "The current focus is the core game content, and the future road is long.""The best thing is gaming right now. Interactive is more preferable. Sweet spots are 2 hours or more.

However, in the future, content that features real life will play an important role."This is already the case in the advanced market. In Japan, the viewing time of this kind of content has doubled. If you like gamer's personality, you will want to know their everyday life.You can know what you are doing when you are not doing it. "

We believe that real life content will also be effective in accelerating the number of visitors to Japan."Let's say our US gamers with fixed fans will visit all over Japan. For example, to Hokkaido for snowboarding, and streams for several hours. We edit it short and in YouTube.If you publish it, everyone can see it. ""Our core business is just a game, and its consciousness does not change. On the other hand, we are very interested in fields other than games."

Have a chance for a new brand

Of course, expanding the advertiser's base is also an interest on Twitch.Just recently, the Bloomberg Business Week has reported that "Twitch audience is limited to hardcore gamers and will not appeal to brands," but Anderson refuted it.Certainly, the number of reach cannot be despised.According to Twitch materials, there are more than 3 million people with unique streakers per month and more than 15 million visits a day.

He does not disclose data about Japan, but the average consumption time for users is 100 minutes.However, the gender ratio is 8 to 2, and it also admits that men are too biased."If the market expands, more soft gamers will gather. It is extremely important that the brand knows that those people are also users."

At the moment, they are communicating "most companies related to the game industry."That is why the ads provided so far are relevant, and there is less risk of advertising used when the audience refuses to reject advertising messages. "But this year's big goal is to attract brands that are unrelated to the game world."I want these brands to grow in our business and support the securing streamer's income. How do you coach them and invite them to fruitful dialogue? This is the issue of this year.is".

ゲーミングの先を見据える、Twitch | 深層 | Campaign Japan 日本

Home entertainment, food delivery, and especially financial services are found in areas with high potential."Gamers are rapidly shifting to a world where nobody buys disks, so they need credit cards for various transactions."But in Japan, this trend is not so strong yet."It will change slowly over time. It's an interesting angle for a company that wants someone to always have a card."

Misunderstanding on Twitch and "etiquette"

Agency people who are not familiar with gaming tend to think that Twitch is producing its own content.But not."If you work on production, we will distort our core theme of supporting free creators. Wwitch is a service company. There is no content that can be used for sponsorship. At the core of the business is., To have consumers stream the content. In a sense, it is an enlightenment activity. "

Pay close attention so that the advertisement does not disturb the content.Twitch ads are mostly skipped full -screen videos, 15-30 seconds, which are played at the beginning of streaming."Once you look at it, the viewer will think that there is no problem.""Where the mid -roll advertisement is played is the discretion of the streamer. Display advertisements are extremely rare and displayed in inconspicuous places. The most focus is how you can enjoy gaming images.So, we judge the videos of the brands we offer if you can enjoy it. Once you have experience, you will be able to think that there is no discomfort. "

Regarding advertising content, it encourages advertisers to pay attention to the volume level."Consumers do headphones in their offices and trains. When making ads, they will always make a sound in the room, assuming a TV, etc.Then just offend consumers. If you hear a loud sound, you will not care about advertisements. When creating ads for butch and other online video platforms, consumer environment is well considered.You should do it. "

And the shorter the video is better."From my experience so far, the most effective advertisement is 15 seconds to 30 seconds, and no more is needed."

e -commerce

Most of the game publishers use Twitch.The streamer is immersed in their games for 2 hours on average on average and sometimes for 5 hours.Still, for a certain brand, "influencer marketing will be more effective."However, "to some extent, there is no point in the influencer who can play the game well. Otherwise, the tie -up content will be fruitless, which is counterproductive."

Twitchがアマゾン傘下であることを考慮すれば、ゆくゆくはe -commerceと直接リンクすることは時間の問題だろう。「この件に関しては多くの可能性があります。ただ、それらをまだ公表していないだけ」。「アマゾンとはさまざまな調整を行っています。そのうちクライアントには、Twitch上での購買行動がブランド認知に利点があることを分かってもらえるでしょう。まだ打合せを重ねている段階なので、関連するデータはありません。ただe -commerceは、我々が大いに興味を持っている分野です」。

Priority for 2019

The biggest concern at the moment is to attract new brands, especially companies that have never been involved in the game world."In Japan, brands are still entering carefully. The brands still need support and advice to get used to gaming content.

In Germany, McDonald's has resolved a sponsor contract with the Soccer Federation with a view to investing in e -sports.In Japan, where e -sports professionalization was just approved a year ago, these bold movements would be a long way off, but this market is definitely attractive.So how much Anderson set sales targets?"I can't specifically say it, but I dare to achieve ambitious goals in 2018. I want to make more ambitious results this year and next year."(Sentence: David Brekken Translation / Edit: Tatsuya Mizuno)