[March latest version] "Super PayPay coupon" Complete manual!Shopping on my smartphone will be more and more advantageous ♪

[March latest version] "Super PayPay coupon" Complete manual!Shopping on my smartphone will be more and more advantageous ♪

Do you remember the legendary (?) Campaign "Super Friday" in a certain neighborhood?This campaign, which was hidden, revived from October 18, 2021 called "Super PayPay coupon".

In this article, we will introduce the services of the “Super PayPay coupon”, which will be more advanced, and how to use coupons, and benefits for each store.。

The basics and usage of "Super PayPay coupon"

「スーパーPayPayクーポン」とは、ソフトバンクのスマホユーザーを対象にしたクーポンのこと。 クーポンを取得した後、対象の加盟店で「PayPay」で支払うと、決済金額の最大半額相当(付与上限あり※1)のPayPayボーナス※2が戻ってきます。

Easy 3 steps!How to get a "Super PayPay coupon" you are worried about ...?

  1. 「PayPayアプリ」をダウンロード
  2. 新規登録画面で「ソフトバンク・ワイモバイル・LINEMO」を選択
  3. 規約を確認して、「上記に同意して新規登録する」を選択→設定完了
  1. ホーム画面下の「アカウント」を選択
  2. 「外部サービス連携」をタップ
  3. 「Yahoo! JAPAN ID」が「連携済み」かつ「Yahoo!プレミアム会員」で「スマートログイン設定済み」になっていることを確認
  4. 「ソフトバンク・ワイモバイル・LINEMO」の「連携する」を選択→「連携済み」になれば設定完了
  1. ホーム画面の「クーポン」を選択
  2. 好きなお店を選択
  3. 「クーポンを獲得する」を選択

Don't miss the "SoftBank user only" mark.


The coupon is automatically applied, and the "PayPay bonus" will return at a later date.

In addition, local popular shops are also eligible.Please use it at a store near you!

Determine the target stores and benefits of "Super PayPay coupon"

Even if you buy the same product at the same store or online shop, the PayPay bonus given by people may be different.Maybe because the communication carrier is not Softbank Y -Mobile ...

If you use "PayPay", SoftBank Y -Mobile is recommended for 10 reasons

(Publication date: October 15, 2021, updated: March 1, 2022) Sentence: Soft Bank News Editorial Department


The content is information at the time of publication.The company name, service name, title, etc. listed may differ from the present.

Information is Current as of the time of publicity.Company Names, Service Names, Titles and Other Information Are Subject to Change.

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