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As many companies plan to return to office, a major consulting company, McKinsey, points out that "it is not easy to develop a hybrid work that combines remote and going to work."
Executives such as Apple, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, and Bloomberg ask employees to go to the office, whereas employees work for major companies such as Facebook, Spotify, and Zillow.You can freely select the location.
According to McKinsey's latest survey, 52%of companies seeking employees for more than four days a week, at least 36%seeking at least three days a week.
However, in another survey for about 5,000 employees, 37%of the office worked in full -time, and 63%wanted to work in a completely remote work or hybrid.
McKinsey is concerned that uniform work styles without flexibility may have conflict between employees who like to work and employees who like remote work.Experts who have been studying remote work for many years tell Insider, saying, "You should look for the optimal way of working while repeating trial and error over the years, not for weeks or months."
According to McKinsey, many companies want to resume office work at least a few days a week.
However, because the hybrid system is complicated, it is true that "it is necessary to review all systems and environments, regardless of the established concept, but the management does not know how to respond."
もっと知る「オフィス勤務強制で39%が離職リスク」。ガートナーの最新調査が示唆する、新しい働き方の理想形とは?The labor market worsened due to the corona evil, and the working environment of many people has changed dramatically.On the other hand, the number of workers who review the work -life balance is increasing.Job seekers are now choosing companies that emphasize corporate social responsibilities and diversity and have options for remote work and hybrid work.
Despite changing the environment around the environment, management tends to see a hybrid model as "a bit flexible in working in home, which had penetrated the corona before the corona."McKinsey rang a warning bell alone, and pointed out in her report: