"Beats Flex-fragment design special edition" is now on sale on Apple's official website
In Atem Mini, Picture in Picture (PIP) can be displayed using two of the four inputs.By default, input 1 corresponds to the child screen, for example, connect the camera to the input 1, a PC for games and a presentation PC to the input 2, and press the Atem Mini PIP on button to the game and presentation.The child screen of the distributor's face can be displayed on the screen.
However, it is necessary to press the button twice when switching from the full screen display to the game/presentation full screen display+camera wipe display.This is not a problem, but it is easier to do it once than pressing the button twice, and it also leads to a mistake that the intention of switching is not available.
First, start by creating a button to switch input with Companion.This time, we will proceed with a PC that displays a camera or presentation software on HDMI 1 and HDMI 2.Open the "Buttons" tab on the upper left of Companion, open the "Presets" tab on the upper right side, and click "Blackmagic Design Atem".This displays the category of the Atem command group that can control using Companion.
By pressing "Program (M/E1)", you can switch the input to be aired or specify what to display in the selected input system.The Button Layout on the left represents the button of Stream Deck, so first drag and drop the CAM1 and CAM2 on the right.Each time each is pressed, the input switches.
By the way, Companion also supports ATEM MINI feedback, so when 1 is on air, the CAM1 button lights up red, and the input in the preview state is displayed in green.
入力1(CAM1)と入力2(CAM2)のProgram表示をStream Deckのボタンに割り当てたところ次にPresetの「Back」を押して1つ前に戻り、「KEY's OnAir」を選択し、「KEY 1」を左側の空いているところにドラッグ&ドロップする。これで、KEY 1ボタンを押す度に、ATEM MiniのPinPのオン/オフが切り替わる。つまり、CAM1→CAM2→KEY1と押すと、ATEM Miniでやったのと同じように、2アクションでPinP表示がなされる(ただし、事前に一度PinPの表示場所をATEM Mini本体のPinPボタンで指定しておく必要がある)。
I want to display PINP in one action, so customize this Key 1 button.On the buttons tab, select Key 1 and open the EDIT Button tab on the right.Now, there is only a setting that turns Key 1 on/off with a spogle.Here, if you enter "Pro" etc. in the "+Add Key Down/on Action" column, "Set Input On Program" will be a candidate, so select this.Then, select "Camera 2" as "INPUT" in the added column.Then, simply press the Key1 button, the on -air is switched to input 2, and the camera is displayed in PINP.
このようにデフォルトのKEY1のアクションに「Set input on Program」を追加し、「Input」として「Camera 2」を選ぶと、入力を切り替えつつPinP表示にできるHowever, in this case, when the CAM1 button is pressed, the PINP remains.So, on the EDIT Button tab of the CAM1 button, add "Set Upstream Key Onair" at the top, "ON AIR" is "OFF", and in Key1, this item is "on".Change to "Air".Now, when Key1 is pressed, PINP is displayed, and when CAM1 is pressed, the PINP disappears, only the full screen, and the PINP switching with one button can be switched.
ATEM Mini単体でのPinPの表示切り替え1ボタンで入力切り替え+PinP表示→元に戻すができるようになった