That Lamba Ral is late at night!

That Lamba Ral is late at night!

Lamba Ral appearing in "Ral Rice"

Did you know the manga "Ral Ramba Ral's Immigration Rice"?This is a gourmet comedy like a late -night drama, where the character, Lamba Ral, who appears in Mobile Suit Gundam, makes the immorality of calorie masi and tastes it alone.One volume released in July is also becoming more popular, with heavy prints decided.[See the image] Late night terrorism by Captain Lamba Largeon, Captain Lamba Largeon, who fry the green onion finely and fry with sesame oil with grated garlic.The comic of comical depictions is also interesting, but the recipe that appears looks delicious anyway!Here are some of the contents.

Lamba Ral to make fried rice

あのランバ・ラルが深夜の飯テロ!? カマンベールチーズをまるごと一個使った背徳のチャーハンレシピ

A regular holiday that visits the familiar "Club Eden" once a week.While master clamps and signboard girl Hamon enjoyed off, the main character, Lamba Ral, is away from the store.Such a secret fun of Lamba Ral.Eat what you want to eat, when you want to eat, as much as you want!!I don't care about calories.Carbohydrates, fat, sugar content ... you will enjoy the free -spirited dishes of everything with your desires.This ral rice is talked about on SNS, "It's dangerous when read in the middle of the night!"Even if you know you are fat, you want your body.Why is the dishes made with desires going so delicious?

"Midnight Maruto Camembert Cheese Calikaribe Contichan"

第1話に登場する"Midnight Maruto Camembert Cheese Calikaribe Contichan"も、正直「健康志向」や「ダイエット」なんて言葉とは、正反対に位置する一品。厚切りベーコンをたっぷり入れた卵チャーハンに、カマンベールチーズを丸ごと1個のせた超ハイカロリーな料理です。でも、手順が簡単だし、食材は全部コンビニで手に入りそうだし、何よりレンジでチンしたとろ~りとろけるカマンベールチーズをチャーハンにからめて食べてみたい…。黄身とチーズとカリカリベーコンの三位一体攻撃に、ランバ・ラルもひとくち食べて、思わずうっとり。というわけで、今回は特別にレシピをご紹介! たまにはしがらみだらけの日常から解放されて、気の向くままに欲望を満たすのもいいかもしれません♪
