What is the indispensable "UTM" for UAV to fly safely and efficiently? Trend Analysis of UAV in the United States: Japan Drone 2020 (1pm 3 pages)

What is the indispensable "UTM" for UAV to fly safely and efficiently? Trend Analysis of UAV in the United States: Japan Drone 2020 (1pm 3 pages)

 From September 29 to 30, 2020, Japan's UAS Industrial Revitalization Association (JUIDA) held "Japan Drone2020" at Muzhang Messe, Meibin District, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture. This article will introduce from the international conference the keynote speech invited by Seiji Zhongtai, director of NEC Institute of data Science, on September 30th.

 The theme of this speech is "UTM Business and Architecture and Standardization trend in the World". "UTM (Unmanned Aerial System Traffic Management)" is a management system that can operate their bodies safely and efficiently even in the airspace of multiple pilots of unmanned aircraft. From the standpoint of the board members of UTM's worldwide industry group "GUTMA (GUTMA:Global UTM Association)", CCTV explained the latest trends in the technology and standardization of UTM.

NEC データサイエンス研究所 主任研究員 中台慎二氏

 In order to understand UTM as the theme of the speech, as a premise, it is necessary to sort out "UAS" and "USS".

ドローンの安全・効率的な飛行に不可欠な“UTM”とは何か?米国UAV動向から分析:Japan Drone2020(1/3 ページ)

 UTM refers to the management and adjustment (Management) through the UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System: unmanned flight system) operation (Traffic) mechanism. UAS is the general name for the management and control of drone systems, and the service provider is called USS (UAS Service Supplire).

 That is, UTM refers to the unified management and adjustment of the UAS provided by USS as multiple suppliers, so that it can fly safely and efficiently in the same airspace.

 CCTV said that in the United States, it has become a voluntary trend for pilots of drones and other drones to operate under the management of the service (UAS) provided by USS. While looking around at multiple UAS, this is the reason why UTM, which achieves the safety and efficiency of drones, is concerned.

 Interestingly, the operation of drones is not managed by FAA (Federal Aviation Administration of the Department of Transportation). Operators of drones can choose UAS from many USS based on the application. Mr. China and Taiwan described the situation as "closer to the impression of a communications operator than a service provider of air traffic control."


 USS will provide a variety of services for UAV carriers. For example, "remote ID" displays the drone's ID on the smartphones of people around flying drones. Through the role similar to the license plate, we can understand the owner and body information of the UAV.

 In the case of remote ID, FAA released the website in December 2019 and received about 53, 000 public comments by March 2020. CCTV explained that the remote ID will be rereleased by the end of 2020, after which it is planned to start implementation in 2023.

* Federal Aviation Administration (FAA): remote ID system solution (Remote Identification Of Unmanned Aircraft Systems)
