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It is very important to list the necessary belongings for mountain climbing and keep them in mind.It can be divided into those that should always be brought around, which are said to be the essential equipment of mountain climbing, and convenient belongings.In addition, there are convenient belongings and necessary belongings for day climbing, mountain hut stay, tent stay, and scene.Please use it together with the lost item checklist.
table of contents
First of all, about the basic clothes of mountain climbing, the important thing is that you do not sweat.Be thin when it's hot, so that you can wear it when it's cold.
※横スクロールで表がスクロールできます。(アイテム名をクリックするとそのアイテムの詳しい記事を読めます。)There are a variety of belongings that you always bring in mountain climbing, and here is a must -have one -day mountain climbing, mountain hut night -staying.Be sure to carry it, as it does not have this equipment, it will lead to the risk of injury risk, and if you are strong, lead to the risk of death.
※横スクロールで表がスクロールできます。(アイテム名をクリックするとそのアイテムの詳しい記事を読めます。)The category that changes your belongings mostly is the belongings of mountain rice.The belongings for mountain rice introduced here are just an example, so change your belongings according to your taste.The belongings introduced below are assumed to stay for 2 nights and 3 days tent.If you stay in a mountain hut with two meals, you will not need dinner or breakfast, and if you are climbing a day trip, you will be able to cut more food.
※横スクロールで表がスクロールできます。(アイテム名をクリックするとそのアイテムの詳しい記事を読めます。)Separately from the above, cook rice using Mestin.If you do not carry a mestin, you can reduce the weight by changing it to Alpha rice except the knife below.
※横スクロールで表がスクロールできます。(アイテム名をクリックするとそのアイテムの詳しい記事を読めます。)It is a necessary belongings to stay in a tent.In order to spend time in the tent from night to morning, it is necessary to select equipment in consideration of the temperature of the tent area and the balance between heat retention and light weight.
※横スクロールで表がスクロールできます。(アイテム名をクリックするとそのアイテムの詳しい記事を読めます。)There is a lighter weight when climbing.The more you bring it to the mountain climbing, the more you can preserve the necessary physical strength, and as a result, you can keep your behavior during the mountain climbing.It is necessary to judge how important it is for you and bring the convenient belongings to be introduced here.
※横スクロールで表がスクロールできます。(アイテム名をクリックするとそのアイテムの詳しい記事を読めます。)If you buy the necessary belongings for mountain climbing, you will bring these by actual climbing.Therefore, let's hold down the points to be done in the following order and enjoy climbing without risk.
Create a checklist for climbing with a memo app such as Google spreadsheets and Google Keep.Before packing your climbing belongings on the Zack, let's arrange them on the floor once to see the checklist for forgetful things and do not neglect.
Mountaineering equipment checklist (PDF file: can be printed in A4 size)
Don't pack your belongings in the Zack without thinking.Packing method should be heavy in a place near the center of gravity of the body, so that it does not make it difficult to walk due to weight.
山旅旅あなたは勘違いしてませんか?『登山ザックのパッキング術』https://yamatabitabi.com/archives/21508登山ザックのパッキング方法を正しく知っている人はどれだけいるのでしょうか?今回は正しい登山ザックのパッキング方法、また知っておくと便利な心がけについてお伝えしようと思います。軽いものを下に、重いものを上に登山ザックといっても、様々な容量のザックが存在します。また日帰りから縦走、山小屋泊からテント泊とシーンと手段の掛け合わせによって、色々な考え方が存在すると思います。パッキングする上で、軽いものを下に、重いものを上にしておくと重心が保ちやすくなります。これが逆だと、後ろにのけぞるようになるため...山旅旅登山用バックパック-選び方とおすすめメーカーhttps://yamatabitabi.com/archives/112718登山用バックパックは重い荷物を背負って登山をするための特徴を備えています。日帰り登山、小屋泊登山、テント泊登山といった目的別でバックパックの選び方とおすすめのザックが異なります。今回は間違えのない登山用バックパックの選び方とおすすめのザックメーカーについて紹介します。登山目的別でバックパックの容量を知る日帰り登山、小屋泊登山、テント泊登山。大きく3つの目的別登山での大きな違いは登山装備の容量です。登山装備の容量が違うと重量とそれに伴ってバックパックの大きさも変わります。まず初めに自分がどのよう...The belongings of the mountain climbing introduced this time are the belongings of the warm season.Please note that when it comes to winter mountains, the number of belongings for cold protection will increase.
Understanding the necessary climbing belongings will help you understand what kind of scene you need for.By deepening your understanding, you can eliminate extra belongings and reduce the weight of Zack.The usual mountain climbing is more comfortable, removing the risks and anxiety of forgotten items, so you can enjoy climbing greatly.
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