Why does red eyes occur?Surprisingly unknown eye roles | New Switch by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun

Why does red eyes occur?Surprisingly unknown eye roles | New Switch by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun

Role of eyes


The eyes can be compared to a camera that captures the image by focusing. Collect light with two lenses in the cornea and lens, connect the statue to the retinal film, send the statue to the brain with a cord called optic nerve, and "recognize the thing. "doing. If the focus is firmly focused on the retina, the things will be clearly visible, but if you focus on the front, the blurred statue will be reflected in the retina. This state is myopia. In addition, the size of the pupil is changed by the aperture of the iris, and the amount of light that enters the eyes is adjusted. In other words, the pupils are small in bright places, they grow larger in dark places, and have the optimal amount of light to see things. In addition, the lens has a function of autofocus with a camera, and by changing its thickness using the muscles of the hair body (already like), the so -called "adjustment" is so -called "adjustment" so that it focuses from a distance to nearby. doing. The decline of this function is called "presbyopia".

Various mechanisms (organizations) are working in the eyes to maintain these functions and do it smoothly.First, the lens, which is an organization without blood vessels in the eyes, is circulating, and the water that is nourished to nourish the corneal.Boosui is created in a place called a hair body, and after nourishing, is discharged from the corner of the base of the iris.This circulation is impaired, filled with spoofed water more than necessary, high pressure, and impaired nerves is glaucoma.

Retinals and irises have abundant capillaries and are nourished by blood.In the eyeball, there is a transparent tissue made of 99 % of the gel (I want to do it), which forms an eyeball and protects the retina from ultraviolet rays.The retina is a film in terms of camera, but there are more than 100 million sensory cells that detect shape, color, and brightness, which captures images there.In particular, the parts called "macula" in the center have a dense cell that senses shape and color, which is the most important part for so -called vision.

赤目が起こるのはなぜ?意外と知らないRole of eyes|ニュースイッチ by 日刊工業新聞社

Also, around the eyes, there is something called an accessory that plays an auxiliary role in seeing.The eyelids (eyelids), conjunctiva (kettle), lacrimal glands, and external eye muscles (gankin) are them.The eyelids protect the eyes from drying and stimuli from the outside world by blinking, and conjunctiva is protected by covering the eyes.Tears are secreted from the lacrimal glands in the back of the eyelids, which is very important for the eyes surface, such as nourishing the cornea, preventing it from drying, rinsing, and sterilizing.It is the external eye muscle that pursues things and balance both eyes well, and is dominated by the brain nerve.

Thus, there are countless organs around the eyes and eyes, each has a delicate and important function like a precision machine, and "seeing things", that is, visual visuals.

It's a so -called red eye phenomenon.The wall of the eyeballs overlaps the retinal, pulse entanglement, and a thorough film -like tissue from the inside.The retina is a nerve gathering, hits the camera film and is translucent.The context film is a gathering of blood vessels.

When the light of the flash in the eyes reaches the back wall, most pass through the retina and reflect with a pulse film.At this time, the blood reflection of the pulse film blood vessels turns red.

The red eye occurs first needs to be completely facing the camera in the direction of the camera.Second, it is also necessary that the focus of the light of the flash fits the retina.It is rare that people who live with naked eyes and have no hyperopia or myopia, but if you use the good glasses and contact lenses, the focus will be 5 meters.However, in glasses, the light of the flash is reflected with the glasses lens, so it does not become red.In the case of a group photo taken by a few people from a distance of about 5 meters, this is why there are many red eyes for those who use contact lenses.("Ophthalmology 119 No. 3 in the third edition of the family ... Eye medicine box" p.Excerpt from 22-25)

The eyes of modern people who have many opportunities to see displays are always overworked.In addition, the aging society has been highlighted, and the problems of addictive diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma have been highlighted.In this book, Q & A gently explains the familiar eye diseases and questions that have about daily eyes.Detailed information is also provided about myopic orthodontic surgery and cutting -edge treatment.

書名:眼科119番 第3版 一家に一冊…目の薬箱編著者名:中村友昭著者名:名古屋アイクリニック、中京グループ眼科医師判型:四六判総頁数:268頁税込み価格:1,650円

<執筆者>中村友昭(なかむら ともあき)所属 名古屋アイクリニック院長専門領域 角膜疾患、ドライアイ、屈折矯正手術現在の研究分野 屈折矯正手術における視機能

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<目次(一部抜粋)>Ⅰ 目の仕組みⅡ よくある眼疾患から緊急疾患まで緊急疾患/よくある眼疾患/子どもの眼疾患/若者に発症する目の病気/加齢性疾患Ⅲ 屈折異常Ⅳ その他の目の疾患と検査目と全身疾患/現代人と目/スポーツと目/眼科の検査Ⅴ 眼科治療最前線