'Windows 11' migration is pointless, but PC renewal is 'substantial compulsion' behind the scenes: Mystery of 'Windows 11' system requirements [Part 1]

'Windows 11' migration is pointless, but PC renewal is 'substantial compulsion' behind the scenes: Mystery of 'Windows 11' system requirements [Part 1]

Windows 11 system requirements are

and so on. These requirements are subject to some changes before the OS goes on sale in the fall of 2021.

In addition, there are requirements specific to certain features of Windows 11, such as:

For reference, here are the main system requirements for Windows 10:

Given the system requirements of Windows 11, upgrading from Windows 10 will require most businesses to invest in new laptops and desktops. Windows 10 has been around since 2015 and runs on older hardware.

"Microsoft kept updating Windows 10, so it was hard to say, 'We don't support older hardware anymore.' Gartner analyst Steve Kleinans points out.

The benefits of installing Windows 11 are likely to be mostly consumer. For example, the user interface will change. The taskbar icons are centered like on a Mac. The Start menu opens in the middle of the screen, with pinned applications at the top and recently closed applications and files at the bottom. It is also possible to download and use the "Android" application on Windows 11.

Businesses question the benefits of these changes.

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