How about shooting?Women and airplanes cross the top of the world's tallest building.Emirates released a making video

How about shooting?Women and airplanes cross the top of the world's tallest building.Emirates released a making video



A380 passing behind a woman

It's too expensive to never want to see it down...A new advertising video of Emirates aired in the world's highest building in the world's highest building, Burju Halifa (828 meters above ground), is being talked about on the Internet.[Video] A woman on the top of the tallest building in the world.At the summit of Emirates Airlines and the Making Video Burju Halifa, a woman wearing a uniform of Emirates's flight attendants is smiling.The woman raises a flip and sends a message to the camera, saying, "I am still here," "Wow! I can see the Dubai Expo."When a woman foretelled her, "Her friends are here," she passed behind the woman, with a colorful passenger aircraft A380 painted as "Dubaii EXPO".The aircraft also paints women's visuals.The woman waved her hand to A380 and saw it off.


The distance to a woman is 800 meters, low -speed flight

Burju Halifa boasts the world's largest height. He is also known for his appearance in the movie "Mission: In Possibula / Ghost Protocol" starring Tom Cruise. Emirates' advertising videos set in Burju Halifa also became a hot topic in the summer of 2021, and some were surprised, "How are you shooting?" Following the last time, the company also released a making video of advertising videos this time. According to the telop, "It may look easy, but I flew around Bourge Halifa 11 times to take this scene (a passenger aircraft passed behind a woman)." There is also a scene where a lifeline is attached to a woman. Furthermore, it seems that it flew at 145 knots (approximately 270 km / h), which is significantly below 480 knots (about 890 km / h), which is a normal A380 average cruise speed, but it seems to have crossed a woman. He broke down about 800 meters away.

The number of views is 4.8 million

According to Emirates's official website, this video is part of an advertising campaign in cooperation with the Dubai Expo, which opened in October 2021. It is said that he shot on October 13 and 14 of the same year. "Eme Lights, which inherits the spirit of Dubai," Nothing impossible, "is a new version of the advertising campaign, and turns over and surrounding the Burju Halifa. Add the A380, a symbol of the Dubai International Expo, adds to the more magnificent. I took a step. " The woman on the top of Bourge Halifa is the same stunt woman who appeared in the 2021 video. Regarding the project of video shooting, "It looks like it was easily filmed, but there were a detailed plan and execution involved in the Dubai Airlines Eco System stakeholders throughout the project. When performing piloting, we focused safely in all situations. " The making video published on YouTube has over 4.8 million views, and comments such as "I can't believe it!"

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