"IMac 24 inch" The speed of movement and the beauty of the screen were more than I imagined | I'm glad I bought it

"IMac 24 inch" The speed of movement and the beauty of the screen were more than I imagined | I'm glad I bought it



"IMac 24 inch" The speed of movement and the beauty of the screen were more than I imagined | I'm glad I bought it

ライフハッカー[日本版]編集部とライターが、2021年に買ってよかったもの=ライフハッカーのタグラインである「Work Fast ,Live Slow」を叶えてくれたアイテムをご紹介します。"IMac 24 inch" The speed of movement and the beauty of the screen were more than I imagined | I'm glad I bought it>>「これ買ってよかった」の記事一覧はこちらMacBook Pro(2016年モデル)の動作がもたつき、突然シャットダウンすることが増えてきたので、買い替えを検討。迷った末にiMac 24インチにしました。買い替えにあたって懸念していたことは、メインで使うアプリが使えるかどうか。iMacに買い替えるとOSが変わり、CPUがインテルからApple シリコンになったりと環境が大きく変わります。そのためアプリの互換性が気になっていたのですが、調べたところ問題なかったので購入を決断しました。

The decisive factor in choosing iMac

There are three main reasons I chose iMac from various Macs.Because the screen is large and beautiful because it is equipped with Apple silicon, the work at home increases, and mobile mobile is reduced.

It ’s so fast that you can understand it

Before the replacement, just opening the tab with a browser or opening the file with Excel, the operation was stuck.Also, if you put a load on the CPU, the number of rainbooker sols will be displayed, and you may suddenly shut down.Every time I happened, my concentration was interrupted and I was stressed.However, when I bought a new iMac, it was very comfortable to see the rainbowker sol, which was the biggest task, and I didn't see Rainboker Sol.As it became faster enough to understand even with the experience, the work was interrupted and the thinking stopped, and the stress has been considerably reduced.

The screen is large and beautiful

It is a comfortable point that the screen is large and it has become clean.Previously, I connected to the MacBook Pro to an external monitor and used it as a work space.After making iMac, 4.The IMAC monitor with a 5K and high resolution is for work and the external monitor is browsed.Four.The 5K high -resolution monitor looks beautiful, such as letters and images, so you can now typing and editing images.


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