Suntory Foods International manufactures and sells AGF's Brendi bottled coffee and monosodium glutamate signed trademark license agreement

Suntory Foods International manufactures and sells AGF's Brendi bottled coffee and monosodium glutamate signed trademark license agreement



Brendi bottled coffee (sugar-free, low-sugar) on the counter. In addition, micro-sugar and originality are also online.

サントリー食品インターナショナルが味の素AGFの「ブレンディ」ボトルコーヒーを製造・販売 味の素と商標ライセンス契約を締結

 On the 1st, Suntory Foods International announced that it would begin to manufacture and sell Brendi bottled coffee from AGF around the spring of 22 years. Recently, Suntory signed a trademark license agreement with AGF parent company Weizhisu for bottled coffee under the Brendi brand. By inheriting the manufacture and sale of "Brendi" bottles of coffee with a firm brand recognition for family products, as Suntory will lead to enhanced recommendations for also Naka (household demand). "in our coffee, the PET bottle (PET) brought by 900ml is not on the production line, the concentrated 'coffee base' launched by the 'BOSS' brand' and the 2LPET 'family coffee shop' can live separately because the guests are different" (Suntory). "BOSS" Jenaka products put forward "Brendy" bottled coffee in powerful stores, while "Brendy" bottled coffee strongly proposed "Boss" Jenaka goods. This mutual introduction effect is also expected. On the other hand, AGF has high hopes for expanding the awareness of the Brendi brand, while concentrating on bar drinks, regular coffee and instant coffee. Brendi continues to cherish the royal users of bottled coffee. On this basis to get new customers, the result is to look forward to the "Brendi" brand awareness continues to expand "(AGF).
